From the Daily Skeptic
David Craig
in me for daily skeptic On June 20, 2024 I predict:
As we shiver in the autumn weather that should be summer, and some of us even turn our central heating back on or stick to our winter duvets, there is one certainty – in a few weeks, the good people at the Met The Office and BBC will tell us that we have just had the “warmest June on record”. After all, the Met Office and BBC made the same claims about a shocking April and a miserable May.
In the article, I suggested three possible techniques that the Met Office and BBC could use to support their claim that June was the “hottest ever”:
- Will they have the audacity to say that June in the UK was the warmest on record, even though everyone else knows otherwise?
- Or will the Met Office and BBC choose a place with good weather – perhaps Greece, Spain or India – to justify their climate catastrophism?
- Or will they try to deceive us, claiming that while June in the UK was a disaster weather-wise, global temperatures (if they can be measured) were at record levels?
Well, just as I predicted, we're told June is the hottest month ever: from mail: “Last month was the hottest June on record.”
To justify this claim, the “experts” used a third trick: “The claim is that although June in the UK was a disaster weather-wise, global temperatures (if they can be measured) reached record levels. “
The key word is “documented.” This time the “scientists” started the record in 1980 – a few years after satellites began to be used to measure the Earth's temperature. Before the late 1970s, it was impossible to measure the Earth's temperature because temperatures were not recorded in many places.
But let's remind ourselves what happened to Earth's climate in the 1960s and 1970s. Temperatures so cold, even climate catastrophists guardian Newspapers predicted a new ice age:

Crop failures and mass starvation are expected:

The CIA was commissioned to write a report for the President of the United States on the consequences of the coming Ice Age:

Experts fear global cooling will never stop:

Of course, the predicted ice age did not occur, and naturally the cooling of the 1960s and 1970s was followed by a period of warming. Climate catastrophists have never gotten around to explaining to us why during the roughly 20 years that global temperatures dropped in the 1960s and 1970s, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere fell2 is increasing. I guess we shouldn't ask this question, otherwise we might conclude that the climate king has no clothes.
Moreover, there are strong indications that the torrid 1920s and 1930s, America's “Dust Bowl” years, were depicted in John Steinbeck's novel grapes of wrathmuch hotter than today’s so-called “record” temperatures:

According to predictions, sea levels will rise by 40 feet and half of England will disappear beneath the waves:

Because glaciers and ice caps melt:

To summarize, there is also a chart showing CO in the atmosphere during the 1920s and 1930s2 Temperatures were the lowest in the past 100 years and much warmer than today's so-called “record” temperatures. Here is a chart of forest fire acreage in the United States:

Will June 2024 really be the hottest year on record, as our rulers claim? I will leave it to you to decide.
David Craig is the author of There is no climate crisisavailable as an e-book or paperback from Amazon.