In Los Angeles, camping classes also help prepare participants for climate disasters, which are becoming more common as the climate warms.
Outdoor educator Tim Jones said many of the skills used while camping can help people stay safe during emergencies.
Jones: “During a disaster, you may find yourself in a situation similar to camping — no power, no lighting.”
Jones has partnered with the nonprofits Climate Resolve and Listos California to teach two Camping 101 and Emergency Preparedness classes at the park.
The classes are free and taught in English and Spanish, with a total of about 100 participants.
Participants learned camping and survival skills such as how to pitch a tent, cook at the campsite and filter water.
Jones: “Hard doesn’t have to be tough. … We’re preparing them to get outside and look like they’re moving together.
They also learn how to pack an emergency kit and develop an evacuation plan.
These tips and other content covered in the course can be found in a workbook (in Spanish) that the organizers share online for free. They hope the information will help people enjoy the outdoors and prepare them to stay safe during disasters.
Report source: Ethan Freedman / ChavoBart Digital Media
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