Photo credit: Tyler Rooker
today: Mostly sunny. There are scattered showers in the morning. The maximum temperature will be 79 to 87 degrees. The chance of rain is 20%.
tonight: partly cloudy. Scattered showers in the evening and after midnight. Lowest temperature 69 to 76 degrees. The chance of rain is 50%.
Saturday: Partly sunny with scattered showers. The maximum temperature will be 79 to 88 degrees. The chance of rain is 50%.
today: sunny. The maximum temperature is about 89 degrees.
tonight: partly cloudy. Lowest temperature 69 to 78 degrees.
Saturday: There's a gentle breeze. It will be mostly sunny with scattered showers in the morning, and partly sunny with scattered showers in the afternoon. The high temperature will be about 90 degrees. The chance of rain is 50%.
north shore
today: It will be partly sunny with scattered showers in the morning, and mostly sunny with scattered showers in the afternoon. Highs near the coast are 79 to 84 degrees, with highs around 67 degrees near 5,000 feet. East winds reaching 15 mph. The chance of rain is 50%.
tonight: Mostly cloudy. There will be scattered showers in the evening, with a chance of showers after midnight. Low pressure near the coast is about 73 degrees and low pressure at 5,000 feet is 50 to 56 degrees. Southeast winds reaching 15 mph. The chance of rain is 70%.
Saturday: There's a gentle breeze. Cloudy with occasional showers. Highs near the coast are 79 to 84 degrees, with highs around 68 degrees near 5,000 feet. East winds reaching 20 mph. The chance of rain is 90%.
Central Maui
today: Mostly sunny. There's a gentle breeze. There are scattered showers in the morning. Highest temperature 81 to 89 degrees. The chance of rain is 20%.
tonight: Partly cloudy with scattered showers in the evening, cloudy with scattered showers after midnight. Lowest temperature 69 to 74 degrees. The chance of rain is 50%.
Saturday: Mostly clear in the morning then becoming partly clear. There's a gentle breeze. Scattered showers. Highest temperature 82 to 89 degrees. The chance of rain is 50%.
today: Mostly sunny. There are scattered showers in the morning. The high temperature at the visitor center is about 65 degrees and at the top of the mountain is about 69 degrees. East winds reaching 10 mph. The chance of rain is 20%.
tonight: Partly cloudy with some showers. The lowest temperature in the visitor center is about 54 degrees, and the temperature at the top of the mountain is about 45 degrees. Southeast winds reaching 10 mph. The chance of rain is 20%.
Saturday: Partly sunny. There will be scattered showers in the morning and scattered showers in the afternoon. High temperature 60 to 71 degrees. The chance of rain is 50%.
East Maui
today: It will be partly sunny with scattered showers in the morning, and mostly sunny with scattered showers in the afternoon. Highs near the coast are 79 to 84 degrees, with highs around 67 degrees near 5,000 feet. East winds reaching 15 mph. The chance of rain is 50%.
tonight: Mostly cloudy. There will be scattered showers in the evening, with a chance of showers after midnight. Low pressure near the coast is about 73 degrees and low pressure at 5,000 feet is 50 to 56 degrees. Southeast winds reaching 15 mph. The chance of rain is 70%.
Saturday: There's a gentle breeze. Cloudy with occasional showers. Highs near the coast are 79 to 84 degrees, with highs around 68 degrees near 5,000 feet. East winds reaching 20 mph. The chance of rain is 90%.
lanai city
today: Mostly sunny. The maximum temperature is 73 to 81 degrees.
tonight: Partly cloudy with some showers. The lowest temperature is about 66 degrees. The chance of rain is 20%.
Saturday: It will be mostly sunny with scattered showers in the morning, and partly sunny with scattered showers in the afternoon. Highest temperature 74 to 82 degrees. The chance of rain is 50%.
Traveling for four
today: Mostly sunny. There are scattered showers in the morning. The maximum temperature will be 69 to 91 degrees. The chance of rain is 20%.
tonight: Partly cloudy with some showers. Lowest temperatures range from 59 to 76 degrees. The chance of rain is 20%.
Saturday: It will be mostly sunny with scattered showers in the morning, and partly sunny with scattered showers in the afternoon. High temperatures will range from 70 to 92 degrees. The chance of rain is 50%.
Mild trade winds will continue over the next few days, with light to locally windy trading returning early next week. Dry, stable air mass across the region will help limit windward and moka showers over most islands today. A weak disturbance will increase cloud and shower activity tonight into Saturday, with another weak disturbance moving across the islands next Tuesday. Neither disturbance is expected to bring significant rainfall, but should bring some beneficial rainfall to the windward and Mauka areas.
A ridge of high pressure in the far north of the state will maintain moderate trade winds over the next few days. Meanwhile, radar and satellite imagery continue to show brief showers moving into the windward areas of Maui, Molokai and Oahu early this morning under partly cloudy skies. Overall, today is expected to be sunny with light showers in the windward and Mauka areas and mostly dry on the leeward side.
HFO's latest 12Z surface analysis shows a weak trough about 225 miles east of Big Island. Guides continue to show that this trough will move across the state tonight into Saturday, causing an increase in windward and moka showers, especially on Maui and the Big Island. This morning, the latest CIMSS MIMIC layer PWAT shows a moisture mass about 1.6 inches east of the state, with a simulated PWAT of about 1.7 inches as the trough moves a few inches toward the Big Island. A period of moderate showers is possible on the Windward Big Island and eastern Maui, with 1 to 2 inches of rain possible along the windward slopes of the Big Island on Saturday. Overall, only showers are expected and should not cause flooding problems.
Showers will generally increase over the western half of the state late Saturday into Sunday, with scattered showers in windward areas. Cloud cover will increase in leeward areas, along with some showers. The weather will return to dry conditions Sunday night, with trading expected to become breezy on Monday. A light to locally windy trade will continue for much of the coming week as high pressure strengthens northeast of the state.
Another riot is expected to sweep across the state on Tuesday, with model PWAT thickness about 1.8 inches. This system will bring more widespread clouds and showers to the windward and mauka areas of all islands. As trade strengthens, some of these showers are expected to spill over to leeward areas at times. More typical trade wind conditions are expected to return following the disruption, with strong trading continuing into next weekend.
Trading will continue with mild to locally breezy conditions throughout the rest of the week and into the weekend. SHRA and low cigar will favor the windward and mauka areas and may bring about short-lived MVFR. Otherwise, VFR shall prevail.
No AIRMET is currently in effect.
A high pressure system and weak trough north of the Hawaiian Islands will allow moderate easterly trade winds to blow through the area into Sunday morning. Beginning Sunday afternoon, trade winds will begin to strengthen into locally strong ranges as the hot center currently located in the northwestern part of the state drifts eastward and intensifies. Trade wind speeds will be sufficient to support small craft advisory conditions in windy waters and channels near Maui and the Big Island starting Sunday night and into much of next week.
Today, swells will rise slightly towards the south facing coast and will drop to below average. The background south swell pulse of energy is expected to continue while waves remain below average. Slightly rough seas are expected along the east coast over the next few days as trade winds persist. The East Coast surf is getting rougher with the return of strong local trade early next week.
King tides peaked this weekend, with local tide gauges showing water levels already above guidance. Water levels are currently at least 1 foot above the mean high water (MHHW) threshold in Hilo, Kahului and Honolulu and are approaching the 1 foot threshold in Lihue. Therefore, a Coastal Flood Statement remains in effect throughout the weekend.
HFO Observations/Warnings/Recommendations
not any.
Maui's live weather is brought to you by Blue Hawaii Helicopters.
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Data provided by NOAA.gov