High Heat Engine Explained
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) recently ranked June as the second-warmest month in the United States in 130 years. This is partly due to record-breaking extreme heat. So what exactly led to this record? Heat wave? You can blame this on a high pressure ridge. They cover most of the United States and offer a vast array of services.
Temperatures hit record highs in Bowling Green, Phoenix, Arizona. There was a nice stretch of 90 degrees, with a few days in the low 90s. So let’s take a closer look at how a heat engine works. Usually the air pressure is high and the weather is dry and sunny. High pressure is characterized by air sinking, which is stable because the air is trapped and cannot flow elsewhere.
All heated air sinks and spreads. Heat domes can last for days or even weeks over an area. Monitoring of heat domes is important because they affect millions of lives across the country. They generate extremely high temperatures, which pose a risk for heat-related illnesses, such as heat exhaustion and heat stroke. When experiencing a heat wave, it's best to limit your time outside and stay hydrated and cool.
Most importantly, remember to check in on your neighbours, friends and family. Also, never leave people or pets in the back seat of a hot car. If you must go out, try to avoid any outdoor activities early in the morning or later in the day.