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Kolkata [Calcutta]India

The taste of Hilsa mainly depends on where the fish comes from.
Shad taste best when moved from saltwater to freshwater culture.
Anchovies are one of the most popular and popular foods in the Indian subcontinent. It is the national fish of Bangladesh and the state fish of West Bengal. Shad is one of the most popular fish species in West Bengal during the monsoon season. In this season, it is sold at a high price. A large number of shad have been caught from various fishing centers in West Bengal, including Dhika. This year, the shad have failed the people of Bengal. Some consumers have complained that the current stock lacks the desired taste for Hilsa Fish.
Bengalis have been complaining about the lack of flavour, ever since they grew up with anchovies. In this regard, a Bengali who loves anchovies claims that the aroma of catfish is so strong that when it is cooked in someone’s house, the entire neighborhood knows about it. A resident of West Bengal said the smell of fried hilsa fish increases hunger. This year the same fragrance is missing. According to experts, anchovies taste best when they are raised from seawater to freshwater. The taste of Hilsa mainly depends on where the fish comes from.
Currently, most shad are caught in estuaries, estuaries, or shallow waters. Therefore, shad are caught before they make it from the sea to the river to reproduce. Therefore, Hilsa does not produce fatty acids in her body. Contamination can also be cited as one of the major factors in the lack of flavor in the shad this year.
Apart from being a food item, it is also used as a gift at Bengali weddings. During various ceremonies, the groom's Bengali Hindu and Bengali Muslim families present a pair of hilsa fish to the bride's family.