Clintell Foundation Press Release
By uncritically embracing climate catastrophism, Pope Francis is perhaps unintentionally, and certainly unwillingly, rejecting the God he is clearly trying to serve with all his heart. This is the main conclusion of this article Pope Francis’ climate crusade or erosion of faith in God, A tale of two encyclicalswritten by Jaap C. Hanekamp and William M. Briggs, published by Clintel.
Pope Francis has outlined his views on climate change in two encyclicals, Laudato Si' (2015) and Laudato Deum (2023). In short, the Pope is concerned that the world we live in is collapsing and may be approaching the breaking point due to climate change. In fact, the Pope declared in his encyclical that there is a “global climate crisis.”
in the paper Pope Francis’ climate crusade or erosion of faith in God Chemist and theologian Jaap C. Hanekamp and statistician and meteorologist William M. Briggs reflect on the two encyclicals, although they do not evaluate the scientific information on climate change. Instead, they examine the pope’s use and understanding of the model and delve into the overall philosophy that underpins both encyclicals. They concluded that, in their view, the Pope had carelessly embraced scientisminstead of sciencewhich inadvertently undermined his standing and those who followed his scientific prescriptions.
Scientism is an ideology that believes that science itself can illuminate and solve all real human problems and that all human affairs can be reduced to science. Scientism is therefore the extension of science to all other areas of human affairs, even theology, and usurps them in a reductionist way.
Harkamp and Briggs concluded that the climate scientism peddled by Pope Francis is diametrically opposed to the Christian worldview. “Scientism in any form is not only incommensurable with Christian faith but also with science.”
About the author
Jaap C. Harkamp is a chemist who received his first PhD in 1992. Utopias and gospels: Unearthing the good news in prevention culture. His blog is located at https://jaaphanekamp.com/. William M. Briggs He holds a PhD in mathematical sciences and a master's degree in atmospheric physics and has held various positions as professor, consultant and statistician. His blog is located at https://www.wmbriggs.com/.
The paper can be downloaded here.
About Clintell
The Climate Intelligence Foundation (Clintel) was founded in 2019 by Guus Berkhout, professor emeritus of geophysics, and science journalist Marcel Crok. Klintel's primary goal is to generate knowledge and understanding of the causes and effects of climate change and the implications of climate policy. Klintel published the World Climate Declaration, which has been signed by more than 1,900 scientists and experts. Its core message is that “there is no climate emergency”. In 2023, Clintell published the book IPCC’s frozen view of climatewhich documents serious errors and biases in the latest IPCC report.