Author: H. Sterling Burnett
This issue:
- Climate news is increasingly bought and paid for
- Biden/Harris climate agenda serves Chinese, not U.S. interests
- The increase in water vapor is due to direct changes in the human environment, not the return of carbon dioxide
Climate news is increasingly bought and paid for

I have written several times before about externally funded collaborations with mainstream media to publicize climate warnings. For example, the Associated Press has taken millions of dollars from left-wing foundations specifically to cover climate change.
Regardless of journalistic creed and ethics, media organizations have joined forces to silence dissenting voices, first on climate change, then on the Wuhan coronavirus and the government’s response to it, election integrity, and a variety of other left-leaning issues — all of it All are suppressing free speech and public discussion and debate of ideas and findings about climate change.
2013, Los Angeles Times publicly announced that climate dissent would no longer be allowed on its pages. With this decision, the media shut down and silenced thousands of scientists and educated laypeople who, while acknowledging that the climate is changing (as it has repeatedly done), questioned whether humans were the sole or primary cause, and whether this Does this change necessarily represent a crisis?
Almost simultaneously and unanimously, the mainstream media stopped talking about global warming and started talking about climate change generally. Recently, much of the media, at the behest of large environmental groups and activists within the federal government, as well as the media itself, has decided to move away from overly neutral climate change issues (which are not necessarily conducive to generating fear and action) and toward climate change advocacy. “Climate Emergency”. So much for pretending to be objective in informing the public about the facts. The reader/listener/viewer's view of climate is now baked into its description: an apocalyptic horror show; humans are killing the planet with greenhouse gases. You know this is true because the honest media says so!
And then there's the payoff: paid-for-publication coverage driven by billionaires like Jeff Bezos and George Soros, who pay off media outlets to promote the government/activist/left-elite party line on climate change (and elections Integrity, or lack thereof), their pages and programs are filled with stories of climate disaster. In the past, radio executives were paid to promote specific songs on the radio to boost sales. When this was discovered, the wages scandal erupted. However, this was more than a scandal: it was a crime, prohibited by the Communications Act 1934. Stories that follow climate realism Using real-world data to debunk hundreds of posts to show they were completely false, people collectively yawned and seemed to accept the corruption of the media and the narrative of climate disaster they had spun.
Popular social media outlets — considered neutral communication platforms and granted immunity from lawsuits for defamation and most other wrongdoings by the government because they allegedly play no editorial role — have been shown to hold their own on a number of issues position, working with governments to de-platform, demonetize, suppress, block or “contextualize” people’s dissident speech on climate change and other issues. Elite-owned social media promotes an elite party line in which they all stand to gain by working with governments: humans are causing the climate crisis and no dissent is allowed.
With all of this as background, I guess I shouldn't have been surprised, but I was, when I learned that there were some funding programs underway to train journalists on how to “properly” report on climate change. Thomas Gallatin described the situation:
As the dire predictions of climate change alarmists repeatedly fail to materialize, one would think that the media would stop reporting such claims as if they were “scientific fact.”
one would think. However, like many climate alarmist industries, it's all about the money. Since many of the leading climate fanatics are also among the richest people on the planet, much of the mainstream media continues to spread the word.
Still, people aren't convinced, so these billionaire activists are doubling down on their efforts. Last year, two leading climate cult organizations, Solution Journalism Network and Covering Climate Now, sponsored the creation of a climate blueprint for media transformation.
Solutions Journalism Network is funded by the for-profit Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, the Ford Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Hewlett Foundation, among others. These organizations are investing vast fortunes in promoting climate change alarmism.
So, what is the climate blueprint? In short, it's a 14-part guide designed to turn journalists into climate activists by teaching them how to report on climate change. The opening section, “Every Story,” calls on journalists to inject climate alarmist narratives into everything they report. From sports to the economy to crime, climate change must be front and center. Maybe you're thinking, not yet?
The guidance also calls on journalists to demonize the fossil fuel industry — you know, the industry that allows their stories to reach the public, keeps their lights and computers on, and their transportation vehicles running. Additionally, reporters are told to criticize schools that don’t give up fossil fuels, ignoring the fact that laws creating fiduciary duties often prevent them from doing so.
Additionally, the guide “guides” journalists on how to describe climate activists and the destructive and destructive actions they often take. When it comes to climate issues, “activists” are not thugs, terrorists or lawbreakers; They are nonviolent protesters, and their actions, no matter how destructive, are “demonstrations.”
“Please note that none of this actually involves scientific accuracy and the pursuit of truth,” Gallatin said accurately. Since it has nothing to do with accuracy, seeking the truth, or cultivating an informed public, it also has nothing to do with legitimate journalism.
“Ultimately, for these billionaire activists, it’s about exerting greater control over society,” Gallatin concluded, and I couldn’t agree more. It's always about power.
Source: Patriot Post; Climate Change Weekly; Climate Realism
Biden/Harris climate agenda serves Chinese, not U.S. interests

A year-long research project by the Heritage Foundation concludes that the Chinese Communist Party is actively using the climate change agenda to undermine U.S. energy independence and security by increasing U.S. dependence on Chinese-dominated power technology and making it easier for the United States to Blackmailed by geopolitics.
The project, titled “China Handcuffs,” consists of three reports titled (in order of release): “In a war with China, the United States will need massive access to conventional fuels,” “How to force an energy transition and the impact on China Reliance “will hurt the United States” and “liberate the United States from China's handcuffs.” As Heritage explains, the idea of Chinese handcuffs is a reference to the fact that restraints become tighter when a person is trying to free themselves or escape, in this case, to escape a radical environmental agenda and its consequences.
The traditional explanation is that the Biden/Harris administration’s climate policies have accelerated U.S. dependence on China, a fact that China should take advantage of.
For example, the second report details the extent to which the U.S. military is harmed by its reliance on China for critical minerals, materials and technology. This reliance undermines our ability to project power and deter our enemies, especially as China and its allies expand their geopolitical ambitions. Simply put, Biden and Harris’ climate policies harm U.S. national security.
Regarding the rapid transition to “renewable” energy that the Biden/Harris administration is forcing on the American people, Heritage magazine writes,
- The Biden-Harris renewable energy and electrification policies make the United States dependent on China, thereby tying the United States into the hands of the Chinese Communist Party.
- The public rationale for these dangerous policies is that fossil fuels are causing climate change and their consumption must be forcibly stopped.
- These policies weaken America, disproportionately harm poor people, farmers, and small businesses, and should be a top priority for the next administration to repeal.
The documents detail China’s control of critical minerals and metals and the technologies that use them, which are core technologies for the green energy transition. Pick a green energy technology and China, directly or indirectly, has firm control over it.
To redress this reliance and ensure America’s national security and economic improvement, Diana Furchtgott-Ross, director of the Center for Traditional Energy, Climate, and the Environment, describes -Roth said: “We should get rid of those requirements that require us to use wind turbines, solar panels, electric vehicles, and rely on batteries – because all of these are made in China.”
“It dominates the world in all these ways,” Versigert-Ross continued. “It's a mystery to me why we're mandating the use of these devices that are produced in China.”
Source: Climate Change News; The Heritage Foundation
The increase in water vapor is due to direct changes in the human environment, not the return of carbon dioxide

Despite all the news reports claiming that carbon dioxide is the climate control knob, water vapor is the dominant greenhouse gas in the atmosphere. Most climate models assume that increases in carbon dioxide cause feedback loops that evaporate more water into the atmosphere and increase the warming effect.
Recent research confirms that human activities are increasing water vapor in the atmosphere, at least regionally, but not because of feedback loops caused by worrisome carbon dioxide.
A study published in LangmuirThe Journal of the American Chemical Society found that instead of adding water vapor as a feedback reaction to carbon dioxide, further raising temperatures, as assumed in climate models, humans' impact on water vapor is more direct.
The study's authors, from universities in China and Canada, found that climate models fail to accurately describe regional water vapor changes and their impact on temperature. Using humidity data reanalyzed by NOAA's National Center for Environmental Forecast and the National Center for Atmospheric Research, the researchers found a large difference between the amount of water vapor observed and the amount of water vapor expected (predicted by climate models). They found that “the absolute amount of water vapor above population centers and agricultural regions in the Northern Hemisphere increased significantly between 1960 and 2020. Human activity appears to have had a significant impact on local atmospheric water vapor content.”
Note that the effects are not global in nature, but rather regional, and more direct than feedback responses to rising CO2 concentrations. The research is supported by data showing that agricultural and urban areas with artificially exploited water sources are warming faster and with higher humidity than other areas historically. A recent discussion of corn sweat shows what this article discusses.
The paper goes on to argue that in order to improve our understanding of the climate system, its forcing factors and responses, and to improve how the system is modeled, we must accurately understand the direct impact of human activities on water vapor and how this impact is affected. pattern and large air circulation system movement. For example, the researchers say this may explain “the observation that Arctic ice is melting much faster than Antarctic ice.”

H. Sterling Burnett
Dr. H. Sterling Burnett is director of the Arthur B. Robinson Center for Climate and Environmental Policy and editor-in-chief of Environment and Climate News.