Neil Oliver
“…like worms around a corpse, squirming through the skinny bones and then out of the fat…” To help support the channel and get exclusive videos every week, sign up for Neil Oliver on Patreon.com
Anyway, hello everyone, I’m so glad you’re joining me to take a fresh look at what’s going on in the world around us. I hope you enjoy hearing me vent my temper as much as I enjoy venting my temper. But before I start my weekly monologue, I just want to introduce you to my patreon.com website. If you go out there, find me, join and drop a little cash, you will be supporting this channel in a practical and irreplaceable way. Showing this support costs about the cost of a cup of coffee each month, but it makes all the difference. In return, you get early access to all menu content and exclusive access to weekly Q&A sessions. Awesome, we love it, patreon family. So join in, join in, immerse yourself in it, and make it better by participating. Okay, that’s it for the ads, now it’s time to complain.
The weird thing about the guys in charge, I mean, other than that, they're just a weird team. Heads of state, prominent figures, look increasingly strange, sometimes even physically, but certainly morally and ideologically. But regardless, I increasingly see the distance between us and those who claim power over us.
Obviously this has a lot to do with the antics of the elected, but perhaps more specifically it has to do with the antics of the unelected and therefore irresponsible. Listen to this man speaking at one or other of the World Economic Forum forums:
“We broadly agree that we need to get on track for a net-zero climate security and nature-positive future. But we know it won’t be easy and we need to change the behavior of individuals, but also the way our industry, businesses and governments work and practice . We need to do it through a mixture of carrots and hopefully maybe not so much sticks, and some kind of mixture. There's a very lively debate about how we solve this problem, but if we can't act, as the situation goes. Get worse, and we're likely to see more stick-like interventions increasingly adopted in the future.
Net zero climate secures a positive future for nature, he said. 'We know it won't be easy,' he said. We need to change our behavior, he said. We need to do this through a mixture of carrots and maybe not as many sticks, but we may see more and more stick-like interventions being adopted. What do you think?
I mean seriously, who do these people, whoever they are, think they are? Faced with billions of people who had no reason to know him from Adam, he happily chose to use the stick, metaphorically or not. “Net zero” is half the world's suicide note for the 4 billion people alive today. Positive in nature? Can you talk about the massive destruction of entire ecosystems and environments to facilitate strip mining of rare earth metals by child slaves? Did he mean it?
Mining increases by 1,000, 2,000% to meet demand for gold, silver, copper, lithium, cobalt, lead, etc. Does he mean using coal, oil and gas from countries like China to build windmills, solar panels, electric cars and other trappings of a green agenda, or more accurately a greed agenda? Is he talking about windmill farms? one on this planet? Or that their mere presence in the water kills whales and other marine life when they pummel them at sea? Is this the kind of positive nature, the kind of green he is talking about?
Carrots plus sticks, he said, with more and more stick-like interventions being adopted. What kind of stick are we guys? What are you talking about? Maybe the taxes are higher? Deprived of the necessities of life? Or give those who don't cooperate real sticks, truncheons and truncheons? What kind of stick?
Then I ask again, who is this clown? People like this, nobodies and non-entities like this, where do they get the idea that while unelected and unaccountable, they can, should and will make unilateral decisions that guarantee people like you and me People in trouble? Why would they imagine that they have some right and power to make the lives of billions of people harder, smaller, darker, colder, and hungrier?
From Davos and the World Economic Forum to the fraud in Downing Street in London, England, the same story is told. Keir Starmer is obsessed with freebies like the rest of his cabinet lackeys, while his chancellor Rachel Reeves is drawing lines up and down the budget to hollow out everything else The pockets of people, whether pensioners or civilians. The people are already burdened with the worst taxes since World War II and are being extorted from some of the world's most expensive and uneconomical energy sources.
But you know what really stings my heart, what really pricks my throat, what fills me with righteous anger? What is clear is that the dwindling life they envisioned for their fellow humans was definitely not the life they envisioned for themselves. All of this, every step taken by people like the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, the United Nations, there is a complete lack of any sincerity. By sincerity I mean that if these people sincerely believed in the necessity, not to mention the virtues of the diminished, limited, humbler life they envisioned for us, if they had even an iota of confidence in themselves Sincere words.
It’s this assumption of what’s right, right, and entitled to disregard hopes and dreams, or even just the relative normality of other people’s lives, that makes me wonder if I’ve stumbled through a door into a parallel universe where the concept of natural law is completely irrelevant. exist.
I keep replaying in my mind the words of the likes of John Kerry (Joe Biden’s so-called climate czar), who told a World Economic Forum meeting that free speech was a huge obstacle to the ability to govern. Or Hillary Clinton calling for greater online censorship. Or so did Barack Obama. Or Bill Gates, the international peddler of gene therapy and other experimental, unsafe, ineffective (if not obviously lethal) medical interventions. Bill Gates' main residence is a palace the size of a city block. Bill Gates wishes there were fewer people on the planet while gushing about his private jet and other fleet of aircraft as his guilty pleasure. Bill Gates, friend of international pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.
These parasitic philanthropists are everywhere. When Al Gore ran and lost for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2000, he had a net worth of about $1 million, but for decades he used his oceanfront property and other addresses to make vociferous statements about climate change. Change nonsense, now he is worth $300 million. So there's obviously no concern there about rising sea levels. Remember his photos of hungry polar bears and his predictions of doom that have yet to come to pass more than two decades later? It's like there isn't.
They're ten a penny, these self-serving, self-aggrandizing liars and charlatans predicting the end of the world while the cash registers ring loud and clear, endlessly, in the background. Whatever delusions these people fell into (perhaps the result of long-term exposure to wealth and power), they had clearly reached the realm of reason and had long since transcended it.
I say these characters must be crazy. We are dealing with an insanity, albeit one that wears expensive clothes, lives in a beachfront palace on Martha's Vineyard or some such, and is aided and abetted by media payoffs and politicians. A madness that sees the right to rule as if it were given by God Himself.
All of them, these prophets of our doom, have at least one thing in common. Like worms around a corpse, they squirm in the lean body and squirm out the fat. Each of them has been bloated with dishonesty to the tune of tens or hundreds of millions of pounds, dollars and euros. These people will never downsize to a humble house. They will never know the biting cold of northern winters and the scorching heat of equatorial summers. Their horizons are never limited to a 15-minute walk from the front door. They never have to eat what is prescribed to them, and they never have to shut up for fear of reprimand or worse.
They are complete hypocrites, saying one thing and doing another. Their words have no sincere meaning and are, at best, political expediency. Their purpose is to use a stick to force us to do what they say, while they themselves live a life that even ancient emperors could hardly imagine. They are charlatans, charlatans, snake oil salesmen. They can never be trusted unless their words make their lives better, and our lives better.
For hundreds of thousands of innocent people in Ukraine, their lives have been rendered nonexistent by those who, in pursuit of more wealth, to advance their ideologies and ambitions, and to sell war as the most profitable scam in town. More souls were burned alive, vaporized, or turned into bloody fragments in this desolate holy land to enrich the international arms industry and seek material benefits for more of the same people.
It's like Ted Hughes' poem of the same name. They were determined to rule, to rule forever. There's nothing particularly smart about eagles. It's simply a creature that has found its niche, an ecosystem of possible prey in which it can thrive. We have allowed these ecosystems of psychotic parasites to exist. Our world is filled with predators who want nothing more than to perpetuate themselves and their kind. Quote: “I use no arguments to assert my rights. The sun is behind me. Nothing has changed since I started. My eyes do not allow any change. I will keep things like this.”
And then here's the thing, here's what's behind it all, but increasingly and inevitably it's obvious. As I said at the beginning, there's something weird and unique about these people. I won't name names, but suffice it to say, look around at the distinguished class nationally and internationally, go there and look for anyone who seems to you to be living a life, having a lifestyle, having dreams and aspirations, or even someone you can identify with or recognize Even a second of taste and preference.
As I ask myself more and more, who are these people? Where do they come from? What have we done to deserve this? In short, they are not like us. They don't like us. In fact, they despise us. The distance between us and them has long since become too great to be bridged. Now there are only two tribes: one is very small and very strange, the other is very large indeed. If it ends up being about dog eat dog, my money is always on the big hungry dog.
The video will be archived in WUWT Climate TV, a collection of more than 600 videos featuring new interviews and analysis from dozens of media sources discussing, debating and analyzing the latest in climate science, climate politics and energy policy Updates, including topics on temperature, sea levels, polar bears, ocean acidification, extreme weather, censorship, wildfires and more.
H/T Filming California
The program will be archived at WUWT Climate TV, a collection of more than six hundred videos featuring new interviews and analysis from dozens of media sources discussing, debating and analyzing climate science, climate politics and energy policy. Latest content, including topics on temperature, sea levels, polar bears, ocean acidification, extreme weather, censorship, wildfires and more.