The hype that green energy is the future will soon be a thing of the past, as all utopian promises fail to come true because they conflict with reality. [emphasis, links added]
It turns out the green movement is nothing more than a silly psychedelic fantasy.
Found in Dortmund, Germany Even with government subsidies, electric buses are much more expensive than diesel buseswhere blackout news is reported.
Order more diesel buses
Due to high costs, German bus company DSW21 now Delaying a full transition to an electric fleet and planning to continue purchasing some diesel and electric buses.
The plan aims to replace diesel buses with electric vehicles and Operate a virtually zero-emission fleet by 2035but this seems highly unlikely.
Diesel buses are half the price of electric buses
Blackout News reports that without state funding, the cost of switching to electric buses will be nearly impossible to control.
A diesel bus only costs about 400,000 euros [$432,720]while an electric bus costs about 800,000 euros [$432,720].
Even with government subsidies, this makes switching to electric vehicles expensive.
“Without financial support from the German government, replacing the remaining 155 diesel buses with electric vehicles would cost approximately €140 million. [$152 million]. That's pretty much it Three times more expensive than buying a new diesel bus”.
2035 climate targets will never be met
Government subsidies for electric buses are declining, making the transition to an electric bus fleet more challenging.
EU directives are phasing out diesel vehicles, with only emission-free vehicles available by 2035. That goal is now in jeopardy as governments cut subsidies.
The lifetime cost of the vehicle may be a bigger obstacle
Another issue that is overlooked and not mentioned in the article is the cost of maintaining and servicing buses. Diesel buses are cheap, reliable and can run for many years.
Electric buses, on the other hand, require large amounts of batteries and are expensive. What value does a seven-year-old electric bus have?
potential folly
Summary of power outage news:
“Without further subsidies, the long-term shift to a zero-emission fleet will be significantly delayed. The decision to purchase diesel buses once again demonstrates the extent to which the industry relies on financial support to meet climate targets.
Electric buses are increasingly seen as another costly green disaster, and it could be downright foolish for policymakers to refuse to wake up.
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