After a careful study of 31,464 satellite records collected over the past 20 years, a team of scientists and mathematicians from Thailand announced that temperatures in Greenland have been falling for at least 20 years. [emphasis, links added]
This is big news, but may never be seen in the mainstream media, which is constantly promoting the fact that Greenland is melting.
Temperatures have indeed increased in coastal Greenland, but this may be attributed to increases in population in these areas.
Of course, the urban heat island effect is caused by large areas of concrete and asphalt, as well as human activities.
The study covered the entire Greenland. The southern part of the island has been cooling for at least sixty years.
Although the temperature there did not drop significantly – by about 0.11°C – The truth is, this decline has been going on for quite some time.
If anything, this information should prove once and for all that there is no climate emergency on Earth.
Interestingly, we are told time and time again that the Arctic is warming faster than the rest of the planet.
Recently, the World Economic Forum (WEF) told the world that the Greenland ice sheet is in danger of “total collapse.”
When you Google this, you'll find hundreds of articles about Greenland's melting ice, but nothing about this latest study, which was reported in No Tricks Zone and Watts Up With That.
One reason why some areas of Greenland may still be warming slightly is Changes in the North Atlantic's multi-decade oscillation are causing more warm water to wash up on the coast.
Tectonic activity has been reported in several known areas. Disco Island is famous for its hot springs.
There is also geothermal activity in the southeastern part of the island. Some people believe there may be sites of volcanic activity beneath the glacier.
Another study (Hanna et al., 2020) confirmed that Greenland has been cooling for decades.
So this is significant, encouraging news that should put the final nail in the coffin of the climate change hoax. rest in peace.
Lynne Balzer's richly illustrated book, Exposing the Big Climate Lie, is packed with hundreds of interesting facts about climate change hoaxes and is available for purchase on Amazon.