In a shocking video released by Project Veritas, an EPA official appears to confirm what many have long suspected: Taxpayer dollars are being recklessly thrown away in the name of climate policy. The official's comments paint a shocking picture of an agency putting speed over caution, all to avoid political roadblocks. His cavalier attitude suggests the real motivation is not to save the planet but to protect their funding from potential Republican oversight.
Gold bars on the Titanic: a shameful admission
The official explained it all with the metaphor of “throwing gold bars from the Titanic.” An EPA employee acknowledged that the agency's spending spree was less about strategic investments and more about ensuring that money was locked up for future projects that the administration could not reverse. This sentence reeks of desperation and irresponsibility, reflecting a mentality that puts politics above public trust.
One particularly shocking quote reveals the intent behind the confusion:
“We're throwing away the gold bars from the Titanic. We're getting the money out.
The EPA knowingly funnels billions of dollars into nonprofits to shield those funds from political accountability. The fact that these programs are less transparent and difficult to audit only raises further questions about their legitimacy.
Efron openly acknowledged how the EPA used nonprofits as a political buffer against the Republican administration and revealed how he later found personal reward by getting a cushy job at one of the nonprofits he helped fund during his tenure. .
“We spent $50 billion on climate last year…so it's really cool to go work in these places.”
Inflation Lowering Act: A Billion Dollar Giveaway?
The official boasted of the scale of spending, highlighting that $50 billion in climate-related funds was allocated last year alone. The conversation revealed a shocking lack of attention to oversight:
we gave them [nonprofits] This money is because… it's an insurance policy against Trump winning. because they are not [a government agency]they are safer from having their money taken away by Republicans.
The admission highlights a shocking departure from responsible stewardship of public funds. If preventing abuse and ensuring effectiveness are no longer priorities, taxpayers are left to foot the bill for ideological activism masquerading as governance.
The real agenda: Politics over policy
The film also reveals the underlying political motivations driving the melee. The official acknowledged that the rush to release the funds was driven by fears of Republican oversight, calling it “external policy to oppose a Trump victory.” This politicization of an ostensibly neutral government agency is troubling. This suggests that the EPA, under its current leadership, views itself not as a public servant but as a partisan tool.
What's the danger?
Defenders of the environmental movement might argue that the urgency of climate change justifies these strategies. But even if one accepts the premise of a climate crisis, it is no excuse for abandoning accountability. Public trust depends on transparency and financial accountability—qualities clearly lacking in the EPA official’s description of the agency’s operations.
Additionally, the decision to channel funds through nonprofits rather than traditional government programs raises serious concerns. Nonprofits are not subject to the same scrutiny as government agencies, making it difficult to track the billions of dollars spent. Are these organizations truly advancing environmental goals, or are they simply lining their own pockets?
The Titanic Failure of Leadership
The metaphor of Titanic could not be more apt. It reflects a government heading toward disaster, with leaders focused not on avoiding icebergs but on throwing taxpayers' money overboard. The reckless behavior shown in this video is a microcosm of the broader failure of climate policy, where ideology and expediency often trump science and reason.
The EPA official’s comments should be another in a never-ending series of wake-up calls for Americans. If we allow government agencies to operate with impunity, we will not only waste billions of dollars but also undermine the principles of accountability and good governance.
The Veritas project video is a damning indictment of the EPA's current trajectory. It exposes an institution more interested in political games than serving the public interest. As taxpayers, we should demand better. Environmental policy, like other areas of public policy, deserves critical scrutiny rather than carte blanche spending driven by ideological fervor.
Now is the time to hold our leaders accountable—not just for their intentions, but for their actions. The EPA’s titanic approach is eroding public trust, and only transparency and accountability can repair the hull before it’s too late.
The original article on the Veritas project can be found here.
The video is available to view in our WUWT Climate TV section, a collection of over 600 videos featuring new interviews and analysis covering dozens of media sources discussing, debating and analyzing climate science, climate politics and energy The latest updates on policy, including topics on temperature, sea levels, polar bears, ocean acidification, extreme weather, censorship, wildfires and more.