From the Daily Skeptic
Chris Morrison
The UK government is one of the main financial backers of a new international campaign to stamp out online climate science skepticism ahead of next year's make-or-break COP30 in Brazil. The Global Initiative for Information Integrity on Climate Change, hosted by the United Nations and UNESCO, was signed at the recent G20 Summit in Brazil. Part of its mandate will fund nonprofits to dispel so-called misinformation and promote “public awareness campaigns.” Commenting on the event, UN global correspondent Melissa Fleming noted that more and more people are becoming aware of the harm caused by climate disinformation and “the entire toxic information ecosystem.” She said the global movement for “information integrity” is booming.
In fact, this move is a desperate attempt to further undermine the scientific process and curb free speech and commentary. After decades of failed apocalyptic climate predictions, false, cherry-picked and fabricated statistics, farcical weather “attribution” claims, and an increasingly politicized “ban” on skeptical discussion of actual science, “Momentum ” is turning to real debate. This frightens global elites who face a loss of credibility – as demonstrated by the popular vote in multiple recent elections – so they launch more repression in an increasingly desperate attempt to eliminate their critics.
This was always a possibility as deindustrialization and the need for radically life-changing (and life-threatening) economic and social changes began to become apparent under the net-zero fantasy. Removing hydrocarbons from the modern industrial economy is impossible. But taking a different perspective offers countless opportunities for command-and-control freaks on the left wing of the political spectrum. To fuel their dreams over the past 40 years, traditional scientific debate and inquiry processes have been abandoned in favor of a pseudoscientific “consensus” on climate models and a global movement to induce mass psychosis due to an invented climate emergency.
Fleming and her UN employers have always been aware of the need to control the global narrative. At a recent World Economic Forum “disinformation” workshop, she noted that the United Nations has partnered with Google to ensure that only UN-approved climate search results appear at the top. “We are becoming more proactive, we have the science, and the world should know this,” she explained in chilling tones.
Details about the initiative are scarce, but it is worth noting that it will strengthen the existing climate change movement “to mitigate and combat climate disinformation, particularly in the lead-up to COP30”. After the unmitigated disaster of the 29th Conference of the Parties (COP29), in which, let's face it, no agreement was reached, there are fears that next year's meeting in Rio de Janeiro will make or break this crumbling international mess. The possible disdain of the entire climate circus by the Trump administration in the United States will not help the situation in the next four years. Perhaps, by the time the climate card is handed over, America will be gone. Unlike the UK (of course), Chile, Denmark, France, Morocco and Sweden, the country is conspicuous by its absence from funding this latest UN-sponsored attack on free speech.
It goes without saying that when science needs to be destroyed and free speech needs to be dismantled, big money suspects are never far from the action. Fleming noted that a “broad network of civil society partners” are joining the initiative's work.
One of these partners is identified as the International Group on Information Environment (IPIE). Some may view the often strongly worded speeches on social media as a natural and welcome development of the European Enlightenment ideal of free speech. IPIE seems to have a different view. It points out the emergence of the “global information environment crisis” and the threat to human existence. “The cost is billions of dollars, millions of lives and an erosion of trust in science, our institutions and each other,” the cheerful gathering said. Interestingly, IPIE claims to provide “a neutral assessment of the state of the information environment.” One of IPIE's major funders is the Children's Investment Fund Foundation, the main vehicle through which Sir Christopher Hohn, an early funder of Extinction Rebellion, distributes funds. Other foundation cash comes from Oak, Ford and Heising-Simons.
Another partner signing up to the “Landmark Initiative” is the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). The World Meteorological Organization stated that its goal is to protect the integrity of information in the public domain and ensure that climate action decisions are based on “accurate, reliable and science-based data.” Of course, it is worth noting that work to provide accurate data may begin within WMO's constituent agencies, such as the US weather agency NOAA and the UK Met Office. Both businesses provide temperature readings corrupted by the massive heat in cities and invent local temperatures from non-existent sites. Although nearly 80% of weather stations are in WMO level 4 and 5 locations, with “uncertainties” of 2°C and 5°C respectively, data published by the Met Office claim to be accurate as low as one hundredth of a degree Celsius. The world has warmed for more than 200 years since the end of the Little Ice Age, but an accurate rate cannot be derived from these obviously inaccurate numbers.
Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization Celeste Soro has stressed the importance of combating “disinformation” in the fight against climate change. “In this age of disinformation, telling the truth is not only a moral imperative but also an important tool for survival,” she noted. A less charitable view of the WMO's involvement is that it is an attempt to protect information scientists. The growing scientific scandal surrounding global temperature data has so far gone largely unreported by mainstream media.
It is too early to declare the death of “net zero”. There is a powerful interest entrenched within the controlling elite to keep the show going. Richard Lindzen, a professor emeritus at Harvard and MIT, has spent decades thinking about how fraud and corruption work. For centuries to come, Linzen said, historians will surely wonder how deeply flawed logic, masked by shrewd and ruthless propaganda, actually enabled powerful special-interest coalitions to turn the world around. Almost everyone in the world believes that CO2 Pollutants from human industry are dangerous, planet-destroying toxins. “This will be remembered as the greatest mass delusion in the history of the world – carbon dioxide2Plant life was once considered a deadly poison,” he added.
Chris Morrison is daily skepticof Environment editor.