Kip Hansen's News Brief — December 9, 2024 — 500 words
Sometimes we feel like we and our allies in the energy/climate fight are the only ones facing the reality that national or regional grids can be so overloaded with wind and solar resources that the reliability of the grid itself is compromised.
It's almost always those on the other side of the controversy, those who insist that fossil fuels must absolutely be abandoned at all costs, who tell the media that our views, our facts are wrong, and anyone who presents evidence to the contrary is their anti-fossil The fuel view must be deliberately spreading false information.
So when we, the climate deniers, the shills for the fossil fuel companies, point out the obvious facts of the problems caused by adding too much intermittent renewable energy to the grid without enough reliable dispatchable backup, we are denied, Denigrated, ignored, ridiculed and slandered in the media.
I've already written about this on WUWT. Roger Caiazza recently wrote about this situation in New York State.
Energy professionals, grid construction and maintenance professionals are also trying to get the message out to legislators and the public. But in most cases, they are also ignored.
But when real-world reality hits, it's news stories like this in Australia sky news Two weeks ago:
“Labour's renewable energy pledge criticized for 'increasing energy transition burden' on Australians as blackout fears grow in NSW”
Oscar Goldsell — November 27, 2024
“Residents of Australia’s largest state have been handed a bizarre order to choose between running their dishwashers or going without power, as the government is accused of imposing the burden of the renewable energy transition on Australians.”
“The state government is asking consumers to rearrange their schedules and support the grid amid hot temperatures, an inevitable consequence of the government's attempts to build a grid dominated by renewable energy.
“Our energy grid has traditionally relied on dispatchable coal and natural gas generators that can reliably provide adequate supply during periods of peak demand, such as during heat waves.
“But now our grid is increasingly reliant on wind and solar power that can't come on when we need it.”
“AEMO has informed us that there are insufficient generation reserves available for the coming day,” Mr Mings told reporters.
“The reason is that solar generation in the energy market starts to drop at 3pm, the exact same time when people get home from get off work.”
Demand surges as solar production declines in the late afternoon and people turn on air conditioners and other appliances to cope with the heat.
The situation has sparked debate over the future of Australia's energy policy, with National Party leader David Littleproud telling that Labor's “all-renewables approach” does not meet “on-the-ground reality.” ”.
“It won't work, it will cost more and we are now finding out it is also dangerous. First world countries like Australia should and must have energy during heatwaves,” he said.
You can read the full story via this link on Sky News. Those Australian journalists are not intimidated by climate weirdos… they are telling the truth.
Author comments:
Now, even the MSM, at least in Australia, is starting to realize that the push for “all-in support of all renewables” could lead to a loss of grid reliability, wherever it is implemented. They were warned but didn't listen. Now their citizens are paying the price.
The worst-case scenario is a complete power grid failure, requiring a “black start”.
The situation will get worse as they continue to starve our grid of dispatchable power.
Thank you for reading.