heartland institute
It is a fact that humans are increasing the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. But is increasing carbon dioxide poisoning the planet, as we are constantly told? What if the opposite is actually true? This week's guest, CO2 Alliance Executive Director Gregory Wrightstone, explains why the idea that more CO2 = bad isn't true.
In episode 139 of The Climate Reality Show, the Heartland Institute's H. Sterling Burnett, Jim Lakely and Wrightstone also report on some “crazy climate news of the week.” A New York Times op-ed says climate change should make you reconsider homeownership. Remember when an iceberg near Antarctica scared you in 2017? Okay, it doesn't matter. To save the planet, you should do less laundry, says the World Economic Forum. They recommend washing jeans once a month and pajamas once a week. Are there aspects of our lives that climate criticism ignores? Apparently not.
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