“Rise” clip: “What if this is the beginning/not the beginning of the end?”
Massachusetts musician Seth Glier has been processing his thoughts through songwriting since he was a teenager.
In recent years, he has thought a lot about climate change.
Glier: “So I really just wanted to make an album that was completely focused on solutions to climate change.”
Greer's new album, “Everything,” contains songs about reconnecting with nature and growing food. He sings about restoring waterways, maple trees moving north and offshore wind farms.
“Wind Witch” excerpt: “Wind Witch/Waving to the water/Staring to spin/Sending a signal to the harbor”
He hopes to move away from the climate doom and gloom that dominates the news and use the power of music to help people imagine new paths to a cleaner future.
“Rise” clip: “What if this is the beginning?”
Report source: Sarah Kennedy/ChavoBart Digital Media
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