NBC's Seth Meyers and Comedy Central's Desi Reddick both attacked President-elect Donald Trump on their respective Thursday editions late at night and daily show Politicizing the Los Angeles wildfires with attacks on President Joe Biden and Governor Gavin Newsom. [emphasis, links added]
Both men believed the attack was not only unseemly but actually wrong. However, both blamed climate change for the fires, which is itself incorrect.
Introducing his closer look section, Meyers exclaims:
“I think it's also important at this moment to re-emphasize that climate change is real. It's an imminent existential threat to American life and safety, and we must treat it like a crisis. Unfortunately, some politicians would rather spread the word about the emergency. Strain lies. I won't name names, but I will name Donald Trump.
exist science, Eight authors wrote in 2021:
Fall and winter Santa Ana wind (SAW)-driven wildfires play a significant role in burned acreage and social losses in Southern California. Temperatures during the event and precipitation during the preceding week or month play a secondary role in determining the area burned. Burning depends on wind strength and the number of fires started by humans… 100% of SAW fires are human started and over the past decade, power line failures have been the primary cause. Future fire losses can be reduced by placing a greater emphasis on utility line maintenance and focusing on planning urban development in a way that reduces the likelihood of power line fires.
In other words, not climate change.
Still, later in the clip, an angry Meyers turned to Trump and his attacks on President Joe Biden:
“I don't even know what to say anymore. I can't stand this guy anymore and I'm running out of clever retorts, which brings us to a section called “Shut up.” Man, you're so annoying. Do us all a favor and shut up! “
Meyers also added:
“By the way, I'm well aware that some people on the right are going to accuse me of having Trump Derangement Syndrome. But it's him who's crazy, not me, you know? I'm just reacting to his insanity. That's like saying Trump is insane. gram The Walking Dead Suffering from zombie delirium syndrome. Does he have it? Or is it just a zombie problem? Look, I realize I'm sounding a little unhinged right now, but he hasn't even taken office yet and it's already starting all over again. His horrific behavior keeps happening and it never stops.
ends in daily showReddick introduced a clip of Trump declaring:
“Los Angeles crews have encountered many challenges as they try to control the fires, such as water shortages and manpower shortages. But there's one thing we have an endless supply of: good old-fashioned, American-made blame. Of course, one of America's leading blamers One is Donald Trump.
Following a video of Trump attacking Gov. Gavin Newsom’s Delta smelt policy, which diverts water to the ocean to save the small fish, Liddick declared: “For the record, no, the Los Angeles fires have nothing to do with smelt. But in Trump's defense, words are difficult, with “smelt” having only one syllable and “climate change” having three.
While Meyers may admit to suffering from Trump Delirium Syndrome, he, Reddick, and the rest of the left also suffer from Climate Delirium Syndrome, where any horrific weather event is fabricated to justify progressive social and economic engineering.
Read “Break” by NewsBusters