Eric Worrall's paper (Eric Worral) papers
Maybe they don't need government money after all.
Billionaires Michael Bloomberg, Michael Bloomberg)
The core of INFCCC budget comes from nearly 200 member states.
One of the initial actions of Donald Trump's first move this week was to withdraw from the Paris Agreement this week, just like he was the first president.
Just three days later, Billionaire Michael Bloomberg was involved in helping the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Framework Convention (although the United States ended international climate contribution), but it will still receive all funds.
Bloomberg, former mayor of New York City, a special envoy of the United Nations, and according to “Forbes’s Global” Billionaire The list is the 16th richest person in the world, and his funding commitment was announced on January 23.
“From 2017 to 2020, during the federal period, cities, states, enterprises, and the public faced challenges to maintain our country's commitments. Now, we are ready to do it again,” Bloomberg was in a statement.
Read more: https: // Chael-Bloomberg-Fund-UN-CHANGE-Change-Body-AF. Ter- After-aFTER-US-US-US-US-PARIS-PARIS-AGREEM
Bloomberg last time President Trump stopped climate payment, which caused Bloomberg to share the honor of the United Nations Climate Miscelona, who was appointed as a Hollywood personality and cartoon character.
I personally think that Bloomberg's generous willingness to replace government expenditure with his cash. His efforts to provide funds from the United Nations Climate Plan as a charity of the rich is a charity event that all of us can support. This is a kind of support-a wonderful The method of political differences rather than appropriate differences rather than appropriate differences. Use public funds.
Michael Bloomberg is done well.
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