The head of the head of the head, Mark Zuckerberg, announced this month that Facebook's content audit system will no longer rely on the factual checker, but move towards a crowdfunding system like a community notes on X. [emphasis, links added]
However, when shaping the “climate narrative”, Zuckerberg's company seems to have changed very little.
Those who question the narrative of the “Climate Crisis”, including extensive qualification experts including the Nobel Prize winner, often review them in one or other in Facebook.
Although these voices say that Zuckerberg's announcement is welcome, Many of them doubt that Facebook truly promotes the open debate of climate and energy issues.
“I really didn't go there. I can't see myself back. Too little, too late,” Dr. Matthew Wielicki, a former assistant professor at the Department of Geological Sciences at the University of Alabama University, told Dr. Matthew Wielicki Just newsEssence
After Zuckerberg announced, Traditional media and media immediately began to allow changes how to share various views on climate changeIncluding those who are in crisis or fundamentally a problem, it is a problem. Traditional media usually describes it as “climate denial.”
“Meta causes false information through abandoning the factors.” Politico's climate line warn. “Social media websites are usually paradise for false information and error information, and The climate denies that the group has regarded the platform as a way to attract new audiences.” this Climate The reporter wrote.
The article links politics An article about how the Facebook's “Factive Inspector” marked the editing carbon dioxide alliance as a false society. The alliance was originally published in Washington examinerIt is just to overthrow the label and allow the group to continue after intervention.
What is missing in the article is the comments from those listed from Facebook due to climate changeNor mentioned Many Facebook factors have made obvious mistakes.
this Climate The reporter did not interview anyone from the carbon dioxide alliance, even if they used it as an example of “climate error information”.
Angela Wheler, vice president of marketing and multimedia marketing and multimedia marketing and multimedia marketing Just news They are optimistic about the announcement.
Welller said: “We hope Mr. Zuckerberg is sincere.”
Just opinion
The perspective of the members of the alliance has been suffering from hostile emotions for a long time-even expelled from the National Science Teaching Association meeting in 2023-Facebook is not friendly.
They were told last month that Dr. William Happer, Chairman of the Board of Carbon Diano Alliance, violated the rules of the platform and would not show it to other users.
The statement is a mix of indisputable facts in the entire geological history of carbon dioxide levels, and the risk of carbon dioxide composition.
Facebook has not released any detailed information about how to work on the “community notes” plan about user guidelines or self -regulation.

“Except for the more atmospheric carbon dioxide, nothing. The concentration of carbon dioxide on the earth is much higher than today's carbon dioxide concentration, and in the past 540 million years, the life records of fossils are particularly good. The carbon dioxide of life is four times higher than today. No geological evidence shows that more carbon dioxide is good for life on the earth.What is forbidden to say.
Facebook's history of marking the truth as “false information”
The platform often reviews other obvious and correct statements. Facebook reviewed claims based on the research of the famous medical magazine Leaf knifeThe nine times died of cold, not calories.
This means that as the temperature rises, the death of extreme temperature is actually decreasing.
The post of review was written by Danish political scientist, writer and think tank Copenhagen Consensus Center, Bjorn Lomborg.
Lomborg provides his proposition on his website, which shows that Facebook's factual examination is actually incorrect.
Facebook also reviewed a video of John Stossel, arguing that poor government management would make California's forest fire worse.
A group called climate feedback (the same as happer's and lomborg) claims that the video is “misleading”, which means It will display less Facebook users without notifying separately, which is called “shadow ban”.
Climate feedback describes the video as claiming that climate change has no effect on the forest fire, but Srel pointed out in the video: “Climate change has made the situation worse. California has warmed 3 degrees in 50 years.”
Stossel (Stossel Unrestrained by defamation claims.
“Facts” of errors and misleading
Facebook also deleted Dr. Roger Pielke (JR.), Roger Pielke, a retired environmental research professor at the University of Kororado. Pilke said the platform has never explained why.
Pielke also described in the post on X Scientists scientists who work for climate feedback, claiming that “natural disasters related to weather have been increasing.”
This is obviously incorrect.
Stossel (Stossel Facebook's guardians who oppose “climate error information” regularly promote the “false” label on materials that are not necessarily incorrect.
This is just the point of view of climate feedback disputes.
If they are on their own Facebook page and platform on the platform, this will be part of a powerful open debate.
However, the facts of the group have impact, including shadow ban. Zuckerberg's announcement shows that climate feedback may eventually face its own influence.
Political connection
Facebook facts inspector is also closely related to dark currency group Political advocate from fossil fuel transition.
In 2021, Meta's Climate Science Information Center cooperated with Yale University Climate Change Communication Plan, which was a partner of the potential energy alliance of Anti -Fossil Fuels.
Windward Fund provided the potential energy of $ 13 million in 2022. In 2021, it provided a partner with Arabella Advisors for $ 4.5 million. Arabella Advisors was a company. According to reports, the company is responsible for supervising the huge dark currency network. Reason for the left wing.
According to the latest tax documents of potential energy The group brought $ 38.6 million in income in 2022, higher than $ 1.93 million in 2021. It spent 21.6 million US dollars in 2022, higher than $ 11.4 million in 2021.
Suspienists are suspicious
Zuckerberg mentioned in the announcement that Facebook's content control led to the “excessive review system” and the recent election “represents a cultural turning point.”
He vowed to restore free expression on the Yuan platform. However, it is sometimes called climate skepticism.

Tom Nelson, a podcaster and climate suspect, told Just news He didn't use Facebook too much, but after the announcement, he released a documentary “Climate: Movie“Go to the platform.
This documentary is characterized by interviews with many other researchers. They challenged carbon dioxide as the main driving force of warming trend and pose a threat to people.
This is immediately checked by the facts of scientific feedback, that is, It must go back to a wrong label at a time, which is placed on the reasons of mask research.
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