Never many people know
Paul Homwood
Miliband's 22 billion pound carbon capture carnival is a waste of money, warning octopus boss
According to the “Telegraph” report, green spots are arguing with carbon capture.
Octopus owner Greg Jackson believes that Miliband's 22 billion pounds is a waste of money and should spend more money to build more wind farms.
He said: “At present, some things we do in the climate or energy are equivalent to the invention of the calculator to try to defend the abacus industry.
“I think there are no examples of cost -effective carbon capture and storage in the global power sector.
“We'd better spend any money we invested to build more regeneration generations in more places.”
Talk about flower pots and kettles! Wind factory is almost not the height of technology. However, of course, Jackson is correct, and carbon capture is still not confirmed, and it will inevitably waste money.
But when Jackson commented that competition is competition, not a subsidy for British energy transition, it does not seem to be aware of irony.
Does he don't know that the subsidy of renewable energy is close to £ 100 billion and will continue to rise?
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