Jim Steel
The corals of modern coral reefs that are now formed have developed 240 million years ago in the dinosaur era. At that time, corals formed a wonderful liquid Symbiosis with symbiotic algaeEssence The new algae symbiotic body absorbs CO2 and produces sugar through corals of photosynthesis. Conversely, coral breathing produces carbon dioxide that supports algae photosynthesis. When carbon dioxide concentration is 4 times higher today and a few degrees of global temperature, this symbiotic relationship will develop. Takashima (2006) reported that the surface temperature of the Baiji Earth “is Higher than 14 ° C above Today, dinosaurs roam Antarctica. Warm swimming pool of Atlantic Ocean The maximum temperature of the sea surface is 42 ° C (107 ° F).

The evolutionary history explains why the shallow coral is now shallow water Limited to the warmest seawaterEssence Graph A shows the position of coral today. Figure B shows the temperature of the marine area. Corals are the richest in the warmest waters in the Indian and Western Pacific warm swimming pools, also known as the coral triangleEssence There, the sea temperature (SST) reached 28-30 ° C (82-86 ° F), sometimes higher.
In contrast, the Eastern Tropical Pacific has experienced cold SST, which is usually within the range of 20 ° C (68 ° F). With the coolness of 8-10 ° C (14-18 ° F) in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean in the Western Pacific, coral reefs are scarce and restricted To the small Atlantic and East Pacific warm swimming pool area. So, why is the warm temperature today on coral bleaching? Why is CNN reporting bleaching as catastrophic?

Resurrection of 2.4 billion years Extreme environmental changes require fluid symbiosisEssence Recently, during the highest period of glacier, the sea level has fallen by 120 meters, killing all shallow coral reefs. With the melting of ice, the speed of the sea level rose 10 times higher than today's sea level. Such a fast change of sea level changes greatly, changing the sun, reaching the existing corals, and the amount of nutrition that algae may produce.
Increase Excessive dangerous active oxygen (ROS) produces sunlight Like in optical reactions in photosynthesis, hydrogen peroxide and superal oxides generate high -charge electron and single -wire oxygen by split water. Generally, algae have several ways to neutralize those dangerous ROS molecules, but the sunlight increases rapidly, so ROS sometimes overwhelms its protective system. Therefore, many corals threatened by increasing ROS have been adopted Survival strategy Shoot their malignant algae (that is driftTo. When the aurora condition fades or absorbs new algae suitable for higher light conditions, corals can re -absorb these algae later.
Today, the main factor affecting the date of solar energy is El Nino-La Nina oscillation related to changing cloud coverage. It can be seen from the graphic C that under the LA NINA -like conditions, the heavy cloud layer coverage can reduce the solar sunlight on the coral triangle. During El Nino, the thick cloud moved eastward, resulting in the heating of solar energy around the reef. From 1982-83, in 1998, the Elnino incident in 2010 and 2015-2016 was related to large -scale coral bleaching.

The large barrier reef bleaching can also occur during La Nina, but only when the high -pressure weather system is located on the reef and reducing cloud coverage locally. either way, The reduced cloud coverage increases the surface temperature and drowns the algae light system by increasing ROS. This prompts some scientists to argue that a separate surface warming (exceeding 1 ° C) will lead to bleaching and suitable for its climate crisis narrative. Terrorists like Fred Pearce threatened the writing of coral at the global warming of 360 fear at Yale University: “Coral reefs in tropical areas are doomed” … “Some Experts say they will disappear in the middle of this centuryThe first great ecosystem casualties of climate emergency. “

However, coral bleach science is now reported that it is The transformation of the sun outbreak This is mainly to drive bleach by adding ROS to increase ROS during the photosynthetic period of photosynthesis. If only global warming will lead to the growth of coral bleaching and coral death, then with the growth of carbon dioxide, we expect coral coverage to steadily decrease. However, as we expect El NINO oscillating, the change of coral coverage has been oscillation. After the recent large -scale bleaching incident related to El Nino, nearly 90 % of corals in Australia affected 2022 The Australian Institute of Marine Sciences (AIMS) reported that in more than 36 years, two -thirds of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) has the highest coral coverage (graphic D).
sleep well! Coral is not threatened by rising carbon dioxideEssence
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