From Manhattan's adversity
Francis Menton
On November 12, 2024 (one week after the election), I published an article entitled “The idea of the upcoming Trump administration: the idea of the climate and energy version.” The first theme covered in this post was “communication”. I said there:
[C]Hanging the previous government's communication should be a simple and clear primary task. However, Trump did a bad job on this theme during the first elimination. The theme of climate and energy is common on websites of dozens of federal agencies.
I paid special attention to the EPA website, especially during Trump's term, even after Trump took one year, it almost changed.
This time, Trump and his people do better on many issues. In the field of climate and energy communication, this is especially correct: One week, there are already meaningful changes on the websites of various institutions. However, changing communication on these issues is not a trivial matter. The government website of Biden Times conducted universal climate publicity in thousands of locations.
Therefore, after entering the new government for a week, some of the following changes have taken place so far.
Energy department
My November post pointed out that there is a large part that dominates the website of the department, titled “Back Climate Crisis.” Today, if you transfer to the opening page of the department, it will be very different. The front page title is “restoring energy dominance”, followed by “the first day of President Trump, which will make the department regularly order.” This is the way it starts:
The US Department of Energy (DOE) takes effect today and is about to end the liquefied natural gas (LNG) pause, and restores conventional orders in accordance with President Donald J. Trump as the “release of US energy advantages”.
Another large -scale theme in November is “energy justice”. Today, if you transfer to my link to “Energy Justice”, you will have the opening page of the entitled “Restore Energy advantage”. The entire “energy justice” seems to have disappeared. That was a huge progress. On the other hand, if you transfer to the old November link “cracking down on the climate crisis”, you will find that a page full of old Biden-E era is still starting:
The challenges of our country and the earth are not more challenges than the climate crisis. This is why President Biden proposed the most bold weather agenda in our country's history, which will stimulate the fair energy economy and consolidate the US clean -carbon emissions in 2050. Essence Essence
It is praised that the old link on the page has disappeared, and the search function of the website cannot open this function. May be memories soon.
However, there are still many spam on this website that need to be used. Several examples:
- Regarding the “decarburization” part (“The transformation to the low -carbon economy will be one of the most important economic changes in history. Through the Decarbon plan of the US Department of Energy (DOE), the United States is expected to capture the economy and other benefits of revolutionary decarburization technology.”.
- Regarding the “carbon management” part (“Carbon management includes a set of technology for capture, transportation, conversion and storage of carbon dioxide, and take it out directly from the atmosphere.”.
- Regarding the “floating sea windmill” part (“Floating offshore wind energy shooting ™ attempts to reduce the cost of floating offshore wind energy by more than 70 % from 2035 to 2035.”.
- Regarding the “zero net economy” part (“Avoid or remove the greenhouse gases produced by zero net economy. By 2050, achieving this balance is the key cause of the United States.”.
There are more such categories. So there is still a long way to go. However, they have achieved a reasonable beginning. In view of only one week, I will score A-A-.
In my November post, I pointed out that the climate change part of the website is dominated from the open page. Today, the citations of the theme on the beginning page have disappeared. If you check on the label “environmental theme” on the beginning page, you can't find “climate change”. If you try the closest theme “Air” on this label, you will not find “climate change” in them. Essence Of course they are not easy!
However, if you type the word “climate change” to the search function of the website, the first link that appears is, which is the same address I have returned in November. It will take you into the old climate change part of the website. If so, it seems to have almost no change. It was buried, but still existed very much. It contains many of the same old sayings. Example:
- They continue to pretend that carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is related to “human health”: Understanding and solving climate change is essential for EPA to protect human health and the environment.
- There are some parts of the “causes” and “influence” of climate change and “influence” such as huge humans.
- The endless page “indicators” about climate change pages pretend to associate all ordinary extreme weather events, hurricanes, tornado, drought, floods, etc. to use fossil fuel. (“The global average temperature rise is related to the widespread changes in weather models. Scientific research shows that with the changes in climate caused by humans, extreme weather events such as heat waves and storms may become more frequent or more intense.”.
There are a lot of things here to need to be as late as soon as possible. Yes, there is only one week. However, I scored hard work.
These people track the weather and climate data, and are famous for their endless press releases and the hype of “the warmest day/month/year in history”. My post in November 2024 was related to the typical NOAA distribution in January 2024. The title is “2023 is by far the warmest year in the world.” The link still exists on the Noaa website.
Overall, I don't know the changes in Noaa or NASA websites. The NOAA website's “News” label has the “Latest News Version” list, which includes the last moment of the Biden-Harris government, including this GEM: “The government of Biden-Harris, NOAA invested $ 15 million to help protect the western community from the infringement of wildfires.”
Visit the NASA website, and at the bottom of the open page, you will find a link to “Earth and Climate”. On this page, you will find further links of “climate change”, which is as full of climate publicity as any government page I saw. Small excerpt:
There are clear evidence that the earth is warming up unprecedentedly. Human activity is the main reason. Essence Essence Essence The climate of the earth Changes in the whole historyThe current warming is at a speed that cannot be seen in the past 10,000 years. Essence Essence Essence The current warming trend is different, because this is obviously the result of human activities since the mid -1800s, and it has not appeared at a speed for thousands of years.
You understand. Some people need to pay attention to this. Yes, there is only one week. Nevertheless, I will give this effort at best.
I will watch these pages from time to time for regular updates. I can't wait to see a lot of these things disappear.
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