In 2024, in the middle of the world, carbon dioxide hovering around 260 PPM, and 15 new studies recorded many meal planes in the world. [emphasis, links added]
45 studies were published from 2022 to 2024, indicating About 7,000 to 4,000 years ago, the sea level was about 2 to 3 meters high, and then dropped to today's level.
For a complete database of more than 150 studies, see the updated “new world high 2m” on the right side of NO Tricks.
You wait for someone, 2024:
“The illegal acts of the new world began to flood the mainland shelves of the mainland shelves at the maritime BAH of about 10 KA BP, and gradually separated the Masirah from the 9.5 to 8.0 KA BP river channel.
Then, it drowned today's BAH Peninsula, 7.7 ka BP on the left and right, arrived The height higher than the current sea level is 2.5–3.2 m, before gradually decreased to the current levelEssence “

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