Daily doubt
From Sallust
this Australian One article should be another ominous synonym for the British Labor Government, and it sacrifice the well -being of the population on the net altar, and is chaired by Ed Miliband, the arched host of its energy policy: Ed Miliband:
Employers have uprising the energy policy of Anthony Albanis to Anthony Albanis's energy policy to large supermarkets and tens of thousands of cafes, restaurants and bars. Production to reduce electricity prices so as to reduce electricity prices. short term.
Independent food distributors Australia (their members use large cold water and frozen machines to store and provide food with 60,000 retailers. The growth of business owners has increased by more than 50 % since the Labor Party has obtained power.
The business owner of the industry told Australian They hope that the government will abandon its “ideological” energy method, but supports the upgrading of existing coal -fired power stations, and at the same time causes a new natural gas peak factory.
Like Britain, the same story is sold in Australia, and renewable energy is a magical solution for cheap energy. In Australia, energy costs are also rising steadily. This story sounds familiar. For anyone in the UK, the cost of food becomes serious, and it will only become higher:
IFDA CEO Richard Forbes said that there is “national energy emergency” and believes that government policies are promoting consumer food prices. “Based on the increase in energy prices of food companies and the impact of the downstream impact of consumers … It should currently look at the method of net zero, because the damage is being caused,” Forbes said.
“Obviously … damage is affecting the survivability of the company and the ability to affect consumers to buy food.
“I think re -calibration when people are injured.”
Mr. Forbes said that the “clear information” of IFDA members who hired 8,500 employees is that the power generation of power generation is too fast. By 2030, 82 % of the renewable energy target is problematic.
According to the Labor Party's plan, 90 % of the coal -fired power stations will be retired in the next ten years, and it will not generate electricity by 2038.
Mr. Forbes said, “As far as me is concerned, government energy policy has been and continues to increase the price of food.”
“Food companies are tired of hearing the government that they are doing some living costs. When their costs (especially energy costs) are soaring, they are doing something.”
Chris Bowen, Energy Minister of Australia, has nothing to do with Chris Bowen. Of course, this is the fault of the previous free government:
A spokesman for Bao Wen rejected the driving force of the food distributor, and he said that “the unreliable coal -fired machine is promoting the peak price.”
The spokesman said: “Further expansion of them will be the secret of disaster.” “After ten years of ignoring liberals, the energy prices of small enterprises are too high and exposed to international impact.
Gordon Food Group, who distributes food, has seen its latest energy contracts soared to 238 % [i.e., more than trebling] In New South Wales, 90 % high in Queensland:
Mr. Gordon said he would have to pass half of the food storage costs through about half, which will lead to higher prices in supermarkets.
Gordon said: “The government can make a cigarette curtain from everything they like, about the supermarket.”
“Reality is that they don't want to talk about energy costs and how it affects the supply chain.”
Mr. Gordon said the government “chase this renewable energy policy as a political agenda.” He is farther than an industry institution and calls on Prime Minister to join Donald Trump and leave the Paris agreement.
He said that Mr. Albanis, Mr. Bowne and Mr. Jim Chalmers would not acknowledge that the government failed to reduce its electricity price by 275 US dollars to this year. This is “shame.”
“Answer questions,” Mr. Gordon said. “I think they treat the Australian people like an idiot like a fool.”
Today's bonus rewards are: In terms of energy policy, which other governments are treating fools?
Mike Peberdy, CEO of MOCO Food Services, headquartered in Brisbane Australian In the killer line:
He said: “I think we are pursuing some ideological results, rather than focusing on actual delivery … cheap energy.”
“It is necessary to focus on the use of coal and natural gas to meet our short -term power needs to reduce the cost of consumers and enterprises.
“We used to be a low -cost power country, and now we are very high. This seems to be the crazy destruction of wealth in the Australian population.”
The interesting question is, how much among these ideological zero -net management administrative departments will still be in power within five years? In view of that telegraph Today, due to a large number of promises in labor, it has an article about the Labor Party's extraordinary support for SNP, but it is a moment, as if the Labor Party may have been forgotten by the Conservative Party. Enough telegraph The work of Brian Monteith claims that Miliband poses a serious threat to every family in the UK:
Unfortunately, for the British industry, which continues the highest energy cost of the world, Mili Band is not allowed to concessions by his stone tablets. We must say that we must be willing to abandon British foreign coasts with carbon energy. Either staying on the foreign shore, or staying and face -to -face. Overall business.
The greater tragedy is that although all the higher energy costs we face at home and work are, the fact is that Melba's supercharging is rushing to net to zero, which does not solve climate change.
If human carbon emissions cause the earth to warmer and the ocean rise, then Miligan's policy will not change the equation. Everything that happened was that our industrial production (and employment and investment) was exported to China, and India and other energy are cheaper and usually dirty.
Miliband replaced it with hardships and poverty, which increased the problems caused by Reeves.
this AustralianThe work is worth reading, just like telegraphThe threat of Ed Miliband.
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