Steve Milloy
Now that Democrats have lost their lock on power, what should green activists do? The remaining climate is almost ridiculous to try to cover up its agenda with terms they think will melt in Republicans’ ears. For example, the Biden administration’s energy secretary Jennifer Granholm recently published a view that President Trump is playing the evil hand of communist China by killing the U.S. green economy.
Translation: The left is angry that Trump has stopped the dollar flow of billions of taxpayers to subsidize electric cars no one wants and only the wealthy can afford it. As Granholm said, the new president is killing the “green economy.”
There is nothing green in the climate left-wing solution.
If climate movement is indeed sincere and honest in preventing action to promote a global environmental decline, it will quickly oppose solar panels and electric vehicles. There is nothing green in the climate left-wing solution.
Cobalt is mined using lithium-ion rechargeable batteries used by enslaved children in electric vehicles in Congo without any environmental friendly. They exercise with rough tools and naked hands, breathing the dust of cobalt in the cobalt pit. Runoff injected with cobalt and other chemicals contaminates the water supply. Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, green activists sit or care without hesitation in their own house. They are saving the world, they assure themselves smugly, while the children suffer in an environment hellish way.
Indonesia is far from the US environmental standards and is the center of mining and refining nickel, an essential component of electric electric batteries. Pea soup thick brown emission hoods in Indonesia's island of Sulawesi and the shroud nickel smelting operation for fueling coal plants. Disposal waste and chemicals may dip into the ground. Dust residues in two prevalent blankets nearby, while waterways contaminated by mining operations have red. Other climate activists may try to tell us that there is nothing green here.
In Brazil, near the estuary of the Amazon River, a factory has improved bauxite to what ended up becoming aluminum. It is the aluminum source for the Ford F-150 lightning, which has now canceled its all-electric pickup truck. The lawsuit says toxic elements, including aluminum and other heavy metals, are responsible for cancer, birth defects, neurological dysfunction, digestive disorders, skin conditions and increased mortality. How do you call green or good for the environment when electric cars make thousands of Brazil sick?
In the past Christmas season, Brazil has been elsewhere in Brazil, when it was discovered that its builders were working under “slavery” conditions, Brazilian authorities closed the construction of an electric vehicle factory. Is that a green virtue? Perhaps the Green Doctrine believes that human value and dignity are small sacrifices made for the common good.
Solar energy is a bonus for climate people for a long time, and it is not green either. The fact that woodlands that destroy the sun arrays are not conducive to the environment should be obvious. The study found that “the loss of carbon dioxide used in solar installations in the calculating forests results in a net increase in greenhouse gas emissions.” When wildlife is killed and habitat is destroyed, wind farms should also not be considered distant green. The same is true, with many whales associated with mammoth-like wind fighting.
From the very beginning, the people who promote “green” have been dishonest. In 1970, they assured us that human activities would lead to the Ice Age at the age of 21Yingshi From the centuries to 1980, we will accept food rations. Acid rain is a crisis until there is no. Then, global warming becomes a crisis and by 2019, most parts of New York City will be underwater. In 2008, Gore predicted that the Arctic Cap would disappear within five years. no. In 2009, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown announced: “We have less than 50 days to avoid disasters on our planet. Spoiler alert: We are still thriving here.
Their seemingly endless lies accompanied by Orwellian-style wordplay, from “global warming” to “change.” Now, newspapers have transformed into “extreme weather and “overheating.”
The truth is that there is no green energy. It's clean without energy. It's dirty without energy. There are only challenges, solutions and tradeoffs. When it is already high energy costs, it is crucial to choose a reliable fossil fuel-backed energy source. The murderristis of our friends on the left will not change that.
Steve Milloy is a senior fellow at the Institute of Energy and Environmental Law and a former member of Trump’s EPA transition team.
This article was originally published by RealClearenergy and is provided by Realclearwire.
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