Baja California predicts validity period SAT, February 8, 2025
Some predicted days were burgers, others like egg sufflés.

The prediction of burgers is easy. Any mixture of basic ingredients makes it nice and the wind-like topping makes it a winner.
Recently, we made predictions for egg leftré. There are not many ingredients, but everyone must predict perfectly!

Today's wind recipe:
1. The main component is the intensity of the heat and low pressure in the central valley.
2. If the valley is as heated as expected, the rising air will suck the wind on the beach.
3. The bluffing very local Venturi effect helps Rasta beach and campground winds.
4. The low pressure smidgen south of Cabo can help our winds. Cortez's glass sea is our fryer today. Let's see how these ingredients work!
window: Senior to 20 sometimes within the camp area internal focus is unreliable and weakens to the South Beach.
Sgt. to Rasta: Seniors to 20 sometimes unreliable internally
bucket: Middle to senior grades.
Wind energy details in the table at the bottom!