Eric Worrall's paper
Sabine is a well-known physics Youtuber who produces highly skeptical videos about the latest scientific claims unless climate change is involved.
If you've ever tried searching for information about black holes, string theory, dark matter, or artificial intelligence, it's very likely that a link to one of the videos with Sabine appears in the first few pages of your search results.
While Sabine's latest video is shocking, it's worth watching that it contains a detailed list of all the ways climate skeptics win. Despite one occasion, Sabine accused President Trump of not caring about climate change, “because he will die when everything goes to hell” without providing any evidence to support the annoying allegation.
Sabin hasn't explained how President Trump has made us do anything – as far as I know, people who believe in the climate crisis are still free to practice whatever mitigation they want, which is what they want themselves. It is the rest of us who have to obey the commandments of climate worship.
When it comes to climate science, I'm not the only one who comments on Sabine's curious blind spots. Our favorite reef scientist Dr. Peter Ridd also recently called the climate scenery of Sabine.
Despite Sabine's climate blind spots, I'm optimistic about Sabine's journey of climate skepticism. Sabin seems to be the one who takes the scientific method seriously. In the video above, Reed points out how Sabine finds flaws that bother her – although she thinks “the reality may be worse,” flaws in the climate model may be hiding rather than exaggerating. The full impact of rising carbon dioxide.
I definitely hope Sabine is concerned about her concerns that climate models underestimate the negative effects of CO2, as there is a lot of ancient evidence that contradicts such concerns. The past periods of high carbon dioxide were periods of abundant, not destruction.
Brave and check the evidence, Sabine. Study your remaining questions. There is no reasonable situation, global warmers endanger human survival and prosperity.
My favorite proof that high CO2 levels are benign involving monkeys. The Paleocene-Euclidean heat maximum is 5-8c higher than today, and is the first time that monkeys have significant in fossil records. Our monkey ancestors flourished on the hothouse petm and colonized much of the world, including Greenland and Siberia, retreating only when the cold returns.
Only one benign climate can lead to such success.
Even if artificial carbon dioxide emissions somehow restore us to the hothouse conditions of PETM, the hothouse world remains a benign atmosphere for mankind. Climate conditions that allow our closest animal relatives to reproduce and thrive will also allow humans to flourish.
I look forward to Sabine over any mental disorders and stop her from embracing the full truth about the shock that building climate science won't help, because that day, Sabine wakes up and realizes she's wrong and I just say I'm very confident wuwt will publishing. That video. Hell is not as angry as an honest scientist, who realizes he is deceived by pseudoscience.
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