For decades, mainstream media asserted that the Atlantic Mesopotamia (AMOC) was on the verge of collapse, with catastrophic consequences for the planet. This is wrong. [emphasis, links added]
Recent research shows that although the media and some so-called experts, climate change has not changed the Atlantic current.
Hollywood Disaster Movie 2004 The next day of the day Showing the closure of AMOC has put the world into an instant ice age. [pictured above]
The story is based on some scientists' predictions that AMOC and regional currents in feeding are dangerously slowing down. Mainstream media hyped those unproven assertions, laying the foundation for successful science fiction blockbusters.
Mainstream media regularly pushes the apocalypse narrative, warning AMOC is Slow down,,,,, weakor collapsethere are terrible predictions about climate chaos in each condition.
For example:
But, Climate Realism Science repeatedly points out that science debunks these claims (see here).
These claims about AMOCs and other large-scale ocean currents that drive weather patterns and impact climate change are largely based on predictions of speculative climate models, rather than real-world observations or verifiable research.
…There is no reliable evidence that such a collapse is coming, and may even be in the foreseeable future.
Two recent peer-reviewed studies, one starting in February 2025 and one starting in January 2025. natureconfirm what many climate realists have pointed out over the years –AMOC has remained stable for at least 60 years, with no significant slowdown trend.
Further, scholars conducting the research concluded that there is no reliable evidence that such a collapse is imminent, and is possible even in the foreseeable future.
Comment on climate models predicting AMOC collapse The scientists who conducted the research concluded that climate models are flawed and exaggerated the risks – the model’s simulations failed to match the actual measured trend.
So, where is the wall media coverage of this reassuring news? Where is the CNN special offer New York Times Experts and difficulty breathing guardian Headlines announce that the disaster is not outside? They have nowhere to be found.
Since we have two peer-reviewed studies that determine that AMOC has been stable for at least sixty years and is extremely unlikely to collapse in the foreseeable future, The silence of mainstream media is deafening.
Now, journalists eager to play the worst-case story are reluctant to report findings that contradict previous fears.
Recent research results confirm previous studies Climate Realism and At a glance: Ocean Currents It has been shown that ocean currents are complex, affected by various natural cycles, and are not as fragile as suggested by the alert narrative.
Mainstream media keep warning the public and politicians to “follow science”, but They conveniently ignore scientific research when it doubts about the narrative that climate change leads to all bad things.
The cycle of Atlantic meridian capsizing will not collapse, will not cause a catastrophic speed, nor will it trigger the Ice Age. Latest scientific research confirms that observational data have shown over the decades: The changes in AMOC are natural and there are no upcoming crises.
That is the good news that the Truth Host should report, but we are Climate Realism Don't breathe for this.
Read more in Climate Realism