The end is nearby.
That's what we were told from the beginning. Doomers cite various catastrophes that will drive us from asteroids to the exhausted resources to the dying sun. [emphasis, links added]
But they all have one thing in common: so far, they are all wrong. Like climate alarms. The public is catching up.
A study published by Stanford University’s School of Sustainability found “Resistance to climate action has become an intensified global campaign after governments implement climate-related policies.”
“We found that anti-environmental policy tends to emerge after government institutionalization, anti-climate change organizations tend to emerge,” said the study's senior author.
Of course, they do.
As friends of our committee that releases prosperity have observed, this happened: “Perhaps because the war on fossil fuels has industrialized Germany and many other European countries. Maybe it's because green energy production is much more expensive. Maybe it's because the biggest polluters like China do nothing.”
Let's add another “maybe”.
Resistance may also be based on growing suspicion. For more than three decades, global warming scare stories have bombarded us, but we are still here.
Regardless of how many cheating, lying, confusing and bullying the alarm, it is obvious that the entire narrative is based on assumptions, speculations and political ideology. Every claim they make can be easily refuted. To name just a few, we will call it the Big Three:
We just experienced the most popular year/month/week/day in the record.
This is meaningless. What is the hottest comparison? The only reliable measure we have is from satellite readings until 1979, They showed no problem that could be solved.
All other data is totally unreliable.
Mixed tree rings, “adjusted” Mercury thermometer records, non-existence and eclectic weather station numbers, and modern equipment to whip widespread fears are scientific malfeasance.
By mentioning the concept of “global temperature” is mathematically impossible, it makes us more confused about climate water.
Experts use their climate models to tell us that we are moving towards disaster.
Steve Koonin The results produced by the model “usually don’t look like the climate system we observe.”
To keep the calories of fear, “The modeler then adjusts ('tune') these parameters can better match some of the features of the real climate system.”
“Climate model overheating” is another saying.
There is a scientific consensus that a person overheating his planet. Science does not work through consensus. This idea was invented.
There are skeptics in the field of climate science, not just 3% (as usually claimed according to false data), and their work is important even if they are professionally and socially avoided, insulted and attacked because they dare to make the narrative succumb.
We expect that if anyone reads this article, we will accuse us of being paid off by the oil industry. If only. We can use cash.
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