A judge ruled Tuesday in a 13-year-old defamation lawsuit that punitive damages accused of “harassing” data to promote climate hazard compensation are not worth $1 million, a lawsuit that could bankrupt the country’s most respected conservative magazine. [emphasis, links added]
The District of Columbia Superior Court cuts seven-figure punitive damages from University of Pennsylvania climate scientist Michael Mann, known for his climate change “Hockey-Sticky” chart, to $5,000 and $5,000 Reject Mann's “whole reason” to retain a $1 million reward: “deterrence and punishment.” Just news The trial is covered.
Judge Alfred Irving wrote Mann “has no persuasive evidence that he was injured due to his business. exist National Commenta blog post citing a blog post by Rand Simberg, co-defendant of the competitive enterprise college.
This is the second blow to the Mann lawsuit in less than two months. Irving forces climate scientists to pay National Comment In eight years of lawsuits, $5 million in legal fees ended in a summary judgment in favor of NR in 2021.
“As clear in the discovery process, Mann made it clear that the purpose was to use “major litigation” as a tool to “undermine the state's review”, The editor wrote on January 10.
“Between 2012 and 2019, the court inexplicably refused to apply legal provisions to prevent rash lawsuits like Mann's, and we were forced to spend a lot of time and money to defend our own malicious, valuable lawsuits,” they wrote. “Between 2019 and now,” he said. We have been obliged to spend more effort trying to recover at least some of our expenses. ”
I'll add a million dollars. https://t.co/b2dcyr4oak
— Professor Michael E. Mann (@michaelemann) February 19, 2024
Penn State officials cover up child sexual abuse by football coach Jerry Sandusky, just detailed Simberg and Steyn’s reports about Mann in a report by former FBI director Louis Freeh.
Simberg “It can be said that Jerry Sandusky of climate science Serve politicized science can have terrible economic consequences for the country and the planet. ” (CEI deleted the comparison within two weeks).
“Not sure if I would extend this metaphor to the showers in the locker room with a rather enthusiastic Mr. Himberg, but he has a point of view,” Stein wrote.
He added that the hockey stick chart was “fraudulent”.
Judge Irving agreed with Steen that the “million to one million ratio” of compensation set by the jury with the jury was $1 per person for direct injuries from Steen and Himberg to Mann, given that the previous Court of Appeal hit the “branch” with a 145-win rate.
“Interestingly, Dr. Mann did not cite a single case involving a libel claim or a single case in the District of Columbia or elsewhere.This even “lifts the judicial eyebrow” for emotional and reputational injuries that are difficult to exaggerate, the judge wrote.
Top image via CBS News/YouTube screenshot
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