Public Broadcasting Systems (PBS) recently published an article by Seth Borenstein of the Associated Press (AP), titled “Scientists say EPA can see the growing dangers of climate change just by looking around the world, which illustrates evidence of catastrophic climate change, which is obvious “increasing danger.” [emphasis, links added]
This is wrong.
Borenstein's story (not verified or even questioned by PBS), depicting fake pictures of the upcoming climate disasterEverything from wildfire deterioration to putative ocean acidification, while ignoring the very real benefits of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2).
“As President Donald Trump’s administration hopes to reverse a cornerstone and find that climate change is endangering human health and welfare, Scientists say they just need to look around because it's obvious how bad global warming is and that things are getting worseAP's Borenstein said.
What is obvious? There is no doubt that the available data on weather-related disasters and temperatures can be seen from the available data on weather-related measurements of weather trends or human welfare.
PBS fails to acknowledge that climate has been changing, and there is little evidence to support the idea that human activities change climate in a way that leads us toward disaster.
Let's break down some of the claims in the AP/PBS article and fight them with real-world data.
One of the biggest misleading claims in the PBS article is that climate change is to “acidify the ocean.”
This is a classic case where the alarmist misrepresents basic chemistry to scare the plive public. First, the ocean is not rotating acidic – it is still alkaline. Appropriate terms will reduce alkalinity slightly, even if that is excessive.
Studies show that despite the increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide, ocean pH levels are not close to those that threaten marine life. The term “ocean acidification” is largely a false name used to cause fear rather than inform.
A study published in the journal nature Earth Science Strengthened this idea Due to small changes in pH, marine ecosystems are not on the verge of collapse. The ability of marine life to develop and adapt over time is a key factor that climate alerters often overlook.
Moreover, the research is Climate Realism Prove this The basic phytoplankton of the marine food network did not decrease due to changes in ocean pH.
Instead, in some areas, they remain stable and even increase, contradicting the claim that marine ecosystems are on the verge of collapse.
If the ocean does become ubiquitous due to carbon dioxide levels, we will see significant disruption from the ocean population.
Instead, fisheries around the world continue to flourish and coral reefs show significant resilience. For example, the great barrier coral reef has experienced record coral cover in recent years.
Climate change will not lead to more deaths due to extreme weather or non-maximum temperatures.
As Climate Realism Climate change, contrary to AP/PBS reports, has not contributed to the increase in human disease or health complications when refuting dozens of other false articles.
also, The data clearly show that human mortality rates due to extreme weather events and other natural disasters have dropped by more than 99% over the past 100 years. As discussed Climate Realism Here and here posts.
Extreme weather events killed nearly half a million people each year in the 1920s, but by 2021, only 7,790 deaths were attributed to extreme weather events. (Please refer to the picture)
Deaths related to extreme temperatures are also in decline, according to several large-scale peer review studies in the highest journal.
For example, multinational studies covering decades of published in the Lancet show Cold temperatures cause much more people each year than hotter ones.
They also show that as temperatures are warmer, the number of deaths associated with the lowest temperature drops.
Regarding hunger and malnutrition, it is also mentioned in the PBS/AP article, and studies have been cited in nearly 200 articles published by climate realism. As CO2 levels rise, almost every crop is thriving in nearly every crop discussed in countries across the globe.
Due to this fact, hunger and malnutrition fell sharply in the late 20th and early 21st century than in any other period in history.
In fact, while AP and PBS are fixed on easily debunked climate change dangers, they conveniently ignore one of the most important positive trends: the greening of the planet. Increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere leads to a sharp increase in global plant growth, an effect known as global greening.
According to NASA satellite data, the Earth has become greener over the past few decades, with vegetation expanding in deserts and arid areas. This is due to the fertilization of carbon dioxide, which enhances photosynthesis and allows plants to use water more efficiently.
The increase in carbon dioxide has led to record crop yields, helping to meet the growing global population. Data from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) confirms that crop yields have always set new records.
Wheat, corn and rice – Raw with billions of dollars of growing crops, all CO2 levels have increased significantly over the past 50 years.
If PBS is really interested in honest reports, they will admit that more of the net effect of CO2 is a more dietary world than climate apocalypse.
PBS also links to related articles that relate climate change to recent wildfires. However, in doing so, PBS ignored data from NASA and European Space Agency, indicating that Over the past century, the total global regions of wildfire burning have dropped significantly in the United States and globally.
In the range of wildfire peaks in some areas in recent years, the study cites climate show [fires are] It is largely driven by land management practices rather than climate change.
In the United States, decades of fire suppression policies have led to excessive fuel accumulation, coupled with a sharp decline in logging and active forest management in recent years, making the fire more intense.
PBS and AP may prefer their narrative of climate doom, but the data and facts tell a different story.
As for hurricanes and extreme weather, the data simply does not support claims that they are becoming more frequent or severe.
The Intergovernmental Climate Change Group (IPCC) acknowledges that there is no obvious trend in global tropical cyclone activity.
The United States has experienced a long time without a major hurricane. The overall trend does not indicate an increasing crisis.
PBS believes that contrary to the expected Trump administration’s actions, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) should stick to its 2009 finding that carbon dioxide jeopardizes public health and welfare.
To support this, they wrote:
“[n]EW research and more frequent extreme weather further demonstrate the harm of climate change to people and the planet,…
[as a result] “There is no possible world, and greenhouse gases are not threatening to public health.”
However, as mentioned above, this statement is wrong.
Instead, as weather and health trends are deteriorating, there are huge mistakes, and the EPA’s hazard discovery and the regulations it generates are now completely unreasonable, just as the discovery imposed by the former President Barack Obama administration.
PBS follows a familiar script: extreme weather events of cherry picks, falsely states marine chemistry, while ignoring the overwhelming benefits of carbon dioxide to justify heavy government intervention.
PBS and AP may prefer their narrative of climate doom, but the data and facts tell a different story. The reality is that climate trends are nuanced than Borenstein, AP and PBS acknowledge.
Data show that carbon dioxide is not a threat, but a net benefit from agriculture and ecosystems.
We should focus on adapting to natural climate change, improving energy efficiency and embracing the positives of an undeniable atmosphere of carbon dioxide affluent.
Read more in Climate Realism