Kevin Kilty
The appendix applies to the initial articles with several opportunities to discuss projects that can be expanded.
First, there are some questions about whether the radiometer points to the surface. Figure 1 is educational in several aspects. It was from the Surfrad site in Desert Rock, Nevada on June 22, 2024. These four curves correspond to the total downward solar radiation, total solar radiation, upward and downward directional LWIR of solar radiation. I also included local wind speed and 10m temperature in the figure below.

Figure 1. The description of the 10m tower of the site, many of which are installed here, and photos of the area are provided here.
Sunrise around 6 a.m. local time (1300UTC; local PDT = UTC-7HR). The sun began to warm almost immediately after peeking on the horizon, and the meter detected an upward-up LWIR rise. The downward directional LWIR rises, with a delay of about an hour from the surface heating, but starts heating the atmosphere before the surface convection, which is evident on the wind speed chart, starting from around 10-11 am. The peak value of the upward-oriented LWIR occurs around half an hour at noon, with a value of 658W/m2. The assumed surface emissivity is 0.97, which indicates that the surface temperature is 137F – well above the peak temperature of 100F, which occurs later in the day. There is a layer of super-insulated heating air near the surface. This situation is exactly the same as what I have described, and since August 3, 1993, two atmospheric sounds are used in this appendix. Perhaps this also explains why the 16 images taken by the Geos band around the winter solstice sometimes show northern Chile 60oC
The downwardly oriented LWIR curve (greenhouse effect) begins to rise almost in agreement with the upward LWIR and the upward 10m temperature rise, but reaches its peak after the peak of the upward LWIR but reaches its peak as early as the peak of the 10m temperature. Greenhouse action is caused by an increase in air temperature, but this in turn is caused by absorption and re-emission of LWIR from and from the surface. It is not only a function of air temperature.
The upward oriented lwir remains at 80W/m2 The greenhouse effect throughout the night shows how traditional indigenous people traditionally made ice overnight even if the temperature remains well above the freezing point (above 20F). [1] I observed something while spending the night at the Joshua Tree Monument on March 6, 1982.
Violation of the Second Law of Thermodynamics
In every article about the greenhouse effect, the ideas that emerge seem to not go from air conditioning to warm ground without violating the second law of thermodynamics. This argument will not disappear at all.
In short, molecules and atoms have no temperature – they have energy. Temperature is distributed by the distribution of kinetic energy in the set of molecules and atoms, for example in the Boltzmann distribution, where temperature is the only distributable parameter. Individual atoms and molecules are not oriented in any way with temperature gradients, but the net heat transport they accomplish is statistically towards the direction from hot to cold.
Tom Shula’s good mention of Harde (2013)…
“…Any back radiation from the lower and higher atmospheres can be absorbed by the lower and warmer layers, and this radiation can also be absorbed by the warmer ground of the Earth without violating the second law of thermodynamics.”
I might mention that the careless application of Stefan Bolzmann formula is almost guaranteed to eventually violate the second law.[2]
Is the radiation field isotropic?
In fact, the discussion about the radiation field being isotropic is so as to its necessity. The radiation field (means the distribution of radiation energy emitted in the atmosphere) cannot be isotropic when it involves temperature gradients. At each point in space (we call this a field point), there is a field to be emitted at this time. The emission field is isotropic.[3]
In addition, there is a contribution that originates from other points in the problem domain and passes through field points. This field component is not isotropic because it reflects what all objects and materials emitted in the field point view. The total field is the vector integral of both. A true isotropic total field can only occur in the cavity at uniform temperatures, which will be an example of thermal equilibrium, a true bold, and no net heat transfer in any direction. When heat is transported, the field that does this is not isotropic.
The collision rate is much greater than the emission rate
It is discussed why when the collision collides at a launch speed of “29,000” the collision makes the CO2 15U line so powerful the CO2 15U line's emission capacity. The fact that this collision rate occurs at local and continuously redistributed collision rates at higher rates than emission or absorption is responsible for maintaining local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE).[4] It allows us to use atmospheric temperature in combination with Planck function to calculate emissions. This is what links radiation to local atmospheric temperature.
Radiation was eliminated?
Some claim that “…the surface field has been completely eliminated and converted into wise heat. The hot aura is produced only by collision excitation and is present throughout the atmosphere to the surface….”
In this way, the radiation leaving the surface will have to be fully absorbed and through collisions that are completely converted into kinetic energy. Furthermore, once fully converted into kinetic energy, will the collision be effective or will it not increase the IR active gas from its ground state to a higher energy state?
The current radiation cooling of the Earth involves different transmission behaviors at different wavelengths. In some places, the atmosphere is very transparent, the transport is ballistic, and in other places, the launch is created locally by collision. Just to push this further, Figure 2 shows the LWIR spectrum measured by Harde (2013) from satellites.

Figure 2. From Harde (2013).
The red arrow points to the spectrum segment within the atmospheric window where there is almost no active gas to absorb radiation. The spectrum follows well the bold spectra (dashed line) below the surface temperature of 268K ice. There is no satellite closer to the satellite than the ice sheet itself. Meanwhile, the blue arrow points to the rest of the spectrum, indicating that the temperature is much lower. These occur in wavelengths where IR-active water vapor and carbon dioxide hide the surface from the direct view and emit radiation from the lower temperatures in the polar atmosphere.
Even if the Earth's atmosphere is more opaque (larger optical depth) than the current atmosphere, radiation from the surface will still make its sky develop. Photons will “diffuse” through a very opaque atmosphere, just like heat conduction, except for the “thermal conductivity” proportional to the temperature cube (Rosselund approximation).
refer to:
[1]- My handwritten notes 45 years ago are not entirely clear, but the report of the locals who made ice overnight in Bengals might be: S. Tamara, Monthly Weather Revision, 33 years old; 55, 1905.
[2]- A good example is q = σ(a1t14-one2t24), where Sigma is the Stefan constant. Using the area only for different radiators will cause a large cold radiator to deliver heat to the small heat radiator. Normally, I don't mention my own work, but this link will present my speech as a guest at a nearby community university nearly 25 years ago, which shows that only one person can do very little work with the Stefan-Boltzmann formula and what else is needed to make it useful.
[3]- Any radiation can be considered scattered. The phase function describes how scattering occurs. For example, the “scattering” phase function of isotropic radiation is 1.0, which is different from the phase function of Rayleigh scattering, at 0.5 (1+cos2θ), where the scattering angle is measured from the line connecting the sun and the scattering object or volume. It explains why the blue of the sky is not a uniform blue.
[4]-LTE is just a state close enough to the thermal equilibrium to make the true thermal equilibrium result reasonable.
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