Daily Skeptics
Chris Morrison
Last year, UN Secretary-General António Guterres visited Samoa in the Pacific and was photographed by an empty house, claiming he was abandoned due to climate change-related sea levels and increased storms. It's a pork, quickly put on a hat and travel around the world. Journalist Ola Sandstig reported on Swedish Public Radio that he had recently tracked the owner of the house and found that he had been abandoned due to the 2009 earthquake and tsunami. Sadly, Samoa is still experiencing sea levels, up about six times higher than before, but scientists explain that this is due to the consequences of the earthquake. Tropical storms in the region did not increase, and the tsunami was not caused by humans.
Guterres stood near the house and said: “If we can't stop what happens with climate change, the problems we see in Samoa will not stay in Samoa”. The arrogance on display here is surprising. Most Pacific islands have inconveniently increased their size in recent times due to sand and coral accumulation and land movement. The unfortunate Samoan case was obviously chosen for the greatest extent of psychiatric effects. Despite clear evidence that outstanding geophysics professor Shan-chan Han, who showed land settlement after the 2009 earthquake, causing sea levels to rise six times faster. Sadly, this impact “could last for decades” leads to “regular nuisance floods.”
The arrogance that many climate activists are common may summarize in this attitude: “Come check us, we don’t care, what will you do?” said Flak Melissa Fleming, chief propaganda of the United Nations. “We are becoming more and more proactive, we have science, and the world should know that, which was exhibited at the recent World Economic Forum “Fake Information” seminar.” Science writer Roger Pielke Jr.
Another misleading UN statistics that have been on the tour for decades is that women and children who have died in a climate disaster are 14 times more likely to be killed than men. Needless to say, this statement has been an activist favorite staple for years. Last May, the sirens echo room dialogue Titled 14 times assert, noting: “Increasing evidence that women and people with gender diversity are disproportionately susceptible to changing climates and their consequences.” Roger Pielke reports that the claim is still available on major UN websites, as well as many of the linked-operated internet sites, has been debunked by Professor Henrik Urdal of the Institute of Peace at Oslo, who called 14 times “mythical numbers.” In 2014, he traced the claim back to the 2013 Save the Children Report, which cites the 2013 Program International Report, which cites an article Natural hazard observer 1997. This article is a two-page public opinion article written by Pastor Kristina Peterson of the Church World Service.
Sandstig, theft of Sveriges Radio, tracked the Rev. Peters Peterson, Louisiana, and was surprised that the United Nations, along with other mainstream organizations, were touted as a scientific fact in 2024. The reporter reportedly asked the United Nations for comment, but no one showed up, probably because Ms. Fleming was busy claiming all politically correct ownership of facts elsewhere.
Finally, Sandstig investigated Guterres’ claim in 2022 that the number of weather, climate and water-related disasters has increased fivefold over the past 50 years. This is Daily suspicion When the chart is released to 2022, it has been released.

As shown, there is no evidence that the number of major disasters back to the turn of the century is becoming increasingly frequent. In fact, the evidence presented shows that recent disasters are about 10% less than those recorded in the 2000s. In fact, the increase in disasters recorded by Cred Em-Dat from 1970 to 2000 was due to a significant improvement in reporting procedures. Deborati Guha-Sapir, who oversees a database of widely praised for more than a decade, told Swedish Radio that you could say that climate disasters or natural disasters have not actually increased significantly, but reports are “a lot, easier”, better, faster.
Antonio's “boiling” Guterres's continued hysterical pronunciation is feasible. But he remains the head of the United Nations – the parent organization of the Intergovernmental Climate Change (IPCC) – Roger Pielke is concerned about the impact of all false claims and bad science. He noted: “The climate science community should be concerned about the UN system distorting climate science because it may affect how IPCC is viewed, fair or unfair.” Daily suspicion Pielke noted in 2022 that he saw the “consistent and successful” efforts of climate advocates to create and spread false information about disasters, “totally know that almost all journalists and scientists will remain silent and allow false information to spread unrestrictedly – sometimes even help amplify it.”
Chris Morrison is Daily suspicion' Environment editing.
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