From the climateRealism
Steve Milloy
Guest Post Author: Competitive Enterprise Institute, Heartland Institute, Institute of Energy and Environmental Law, Constructive Tomorrow Commission and the International Alliance for Climate Science and the Truth of Energy and Climate.
Editor's Note: This summary is a fact check on top false claims filed About the media's climate change in February 2025.
President Trump has changed the climate of “climate change”. Among the many actions he is taking to reverse U.S. climate policy from the direction of development over the past 36 years, most notably the president's scrutiny and (hopefully) reversed the 2009 decision of the Environmental Protection Agency, which will cause greenhouse gases to damage public health and welfare.

Hazard discovery will cause intense controversy, with climate fact checks immediately following. Meanwhile, here are five top fact checks starting in February, and more.

Link: Deputy Press of the National Resources and Defense Commission.

Link: 2024 Scientific American Article, 2025 Scientific American article, nature study.

Link: Washington Post Article, 2024 Washington Post article.

Link: Associated Press article.

With the disappearance of glaciers faster, the United States is involved in the United Nations Inter-Climate Change Group (IPCC). President Trump bans U.S. government scientists from participating in the next IPCC report scheduled to be released in 2029.
Our prediction is that glaciers will surpass climate scams. Don't miss these other great climate fact checks and more from our partners so you can prepare for the coming dangerous discovery.
•Wrong, CNBC, Climate change has not caused housing market crash
•Error, Guardian, no identifiable “climate turning point”
•Wrong,, cocoa production is not “under extreme climate pressures” but…
•False, Washington Post, climate change won't cause a rat crisis
• Sorry, The New York Times, climate change is not the reason for high coffee prices
•The greatest scientific fraud ever – Part XXXIII
•The rainwater in Spain is mainly the same
•Fear by numbers: Greenland ice sheet “critical point” is not
•How to invent a “scientific consensus” about climate change
•NOAA's homogeneous temperature record: Card Statistics House?
Fact check to meet you in April!
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