Daily Skeptics
Chris Morrison
New sensational discoveries caused by long forgotten early aerial photos suggest that ice has remained stable since the 1930s, even in the 2,000-km eastern Antarctica. In recent papers Natural Communicationsresearchers at the University of Copenhagen concluded by tracking glacial movements in areas as many as the Greenland ice sheet. These findings are unlikely to play a role in narratively driven mainstream media. Silence may replicate reactions to another recent article, which found that from 2009-2019, ice shelves around Antarctica have grown overall in size.
Copenhagen scientists examined hundreds of old aerial photos used to map work. These images are complemented by many photos from the same area in the 1950s and 1974 and are made with a 3D computer reconstruction. This allows researchers to examine the evolution of glaciers over a long period of time. To determine whether recent trends exceed the scale of natural variability, long-term observation is said to be crucial.
Compared with modern data, ice flow rate remains unchanged. Although some glaciers thin over a short period of 10 to 20 years, they have remained stable or slightly grown over the long run, indicating a balance in the system. ”
Actual long-term scientific observations will always beat media-friendly computer modular pseudoscientific opinions and are encouraged by short-term outliers. The authors point out that using data from historical data such as early photos can provide a wide range of coverage over a large area of detailed time and three-dimensional information. Geological evidence covers time scales of time uncertainty over thousands of years, while estimates of ice cores are often very local and spatially constrained. It is noted that in Antarctica, the scarcity of historical climate data has made climate reanalysis estimates before 1970 “to a large extent uncertain” and that “the observed trends cannot be clearly distinguished from natural variability.” Not that this has stopped mainstream activists such as Clive Cookson Financial Times He responded to the spikes of Antarctic sea ice in the last two years, and the region faces a “catastrophic cascade of extreme environmental events…will affect climates around the world.”
Of course, the “balance system” is the last thing that Zero-Obsessed mainstream wants to hear. Antarctica's circular current is the strongest water current on Earth, and on March 4, the BBC brought news that this was “there was a risk of failure.” It is said that new research shows that within 25 years, “with the warmth of the world, it has a huge impact on life on Earth.”
Fresh ice melting water is said to cause significant changes in the ocean density structure, which leads to slowing currents. Inexplicably, the BBC report did not state that the forecast was generated by a computer model already equipped with a “pathway” that assumes global temperatures will rise to 4°C in less than 80 years. Clickbait search behind the findings Scientists observed a rapid decline in sea ice in Antarctica recently but failed to report recent recovery. By the end of 2024, the range of sea ice is roughly the same as the average from 1981 to 2010. According to the National Ice and Snow Data Center, “this provides a sharp example of the high variability in the Antarctic sea ice range.” Recent examinations of early photographic evidence provide more insights, with early images from the Nimbus weather satellite showing that the decline in 2023 is similar to that in 1966.
Regular readers Daily suspicion Of course, it will be noted that Antarctic is a difficult place to challenge climate panic, although it must be admitted that mainstream science and media are trying to do so. Over the past seventy years, large areas of the continent have hardly warmed. The warming on the west side is directly on a large number of volcanoes. A recent paper by Singh and Polvani found that Antarctica Sea Ice “has been moderately expanded, a finding that seems to confirm the increase in work on ice shelves between 2009 and 2019. State Singh and Polvani “little did not exist” in 70 years. According to NASA figures, ice loss is 0.0005% per year. As an example of how humans warm the climate by burning hydrocarbons and eating meat, Antarctica leaves a lot behind.
Chris Morrison is Daily suspicionenvironment editing.
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