Good news!
The EPA just announced that it is challenging the most destructive regulatory action in U.S. history: “Hazard Discovery.” [emphasis, links added]
This false “discovery” allows Obama and Biden to ban gas vehicles, shut down power plants, slow down U.S. oil growth and lock down our unlimited natural gas.
I once wondered why Biden's EPA could become an economic dictatorban most Americans from buying cars after 2032 and effectively ban all coal-fired power plants and new gas plants after 2039?
It began with the false “hazard discovery” of Obama's EPA.
In 2009, Obama EPA released a “discovery” that “wine can endanger public health and public welfare for current and future generations.”
But greenhouse gases come primarily from fossil fuels, and online, it has been enhancing health and welfare and continues to do so.
Since humans began to exploit the unique cost-effective energy of fossil fuels, Human health and welfare have increased dramatically everywhere.
Why? Because billions of dollars of cheap, reliable energy benefits outweigh any negative effects of fossil fuels.
It is said to be about reducing the “hazard discovery” before and since Fossil fuels make us online Safer with climate hazards By creating incredible climate resilience.
That's why climate catastrophe deaths have dropped by 98% in 100 years!
When considering whether greenhouse gases from fossil fuels are “harmful to us”, they should be restricted and should be considered
- Overall benefits of fossil fuels
- Climate elasticity advantages of fossil fuels
- Positive and negative climate impacts of greenhouse gases
The EPA failed in all three aspects.
“Hazard Discovery” is particularly unwise, because it concludes that the U.S. limits U.S. greenhouse gas emissions will do anything globally – in fact It's donethere are now more than 300 new coal-fired power plants!
By mistakenly claiming that fossil fuels “hazard” human health, welfare and climate safety (and continue to be a net benefit) EPA has proven to give itself totalitarian powers, if not stopped, it will spread across the U.S. economy.
With its false “hazard” discovery, Biden EPA passed greenhouse gas rules that effectively ban all coal-fired power plants and new natural gas plants– By asking them to capture at least 90% of greenhouse gases that have not been done at all, let alone cost-effective.
With its false “hazard” discovery, Biden EPA passed a “fuel economy standard” that will prevent more than 50% of Americans from buying gasoline-powered vehicles After 2032 – Completely violated American freedom.
Using false “hazards” to discover that Biden's EPA and the administration as a whole have launched a “government” war on fossil fuels Without a reversal, this will be all over our economy, and there are no near-term alternatives to fossil fuels.
Trump administration, especially EPA administrator Lee Zeldinwill challenge false “hazard discovery” to ruthlessly attack– But they should be praised for their willingness to take the most destructive regulatory action in U.S. history.
Read more at Energy Talk Point