The analysis of climate data through the respected AI Grok 3 Beta proves that the hype promoted by media and other climate change activists over the past four decades is just incorrect. [emphasis, links added]
Jonathan Cohler, David R. Lex.
Grok 3 Beta questions whether the carbon dioxide emissions released by humans have caused the slight warming we have experienced over the past 175 years.
This amazing study: “Critical re-evaluation of artificial CO2-
Global Warming Hypothesis” was published in the Journal of Climate Change Science.
It concluded that this warming is mainly caused by changes in solar energy output and other natural causes.
This study is the first peer-reviewed climate science paper to conduct this study and analysis using AI.
The analysis also debunks the conclusions of IPCC computer models that predict warming much greater.
It is incorrect to expect an increase of up to 0.5°C per decade. In contrast, data from satellite and ground stations show that the average temperature rise is only 0.1°C to 0.13°C.
Another mispredictive IPCC is the reduction of Arctic sea ice. Data show that the square kilometers of Arctic sea ice has not decreased since 2007.
David Legates confirmed that “these models exaggerate the role of CO2.” “They don’t fit the reality.”
Research continues “Our analysis shows that human CO2 emissions that only make up 4% of the annual carbon cycle are dwarfed by natural fluxes.with isotope characteristics and residence time data, indicating that long-term atmospheric retention is negligible. ”
The unadjusted records that online researchers can use believe that human CO2 emissions account for only 4% of CO2 released each year.
This was absorbed by the oceans and forests within three to four years, not for centuries because of the Intergovernmental Group on Climate Change (IPCC) claims.
During the 2020 Covid lockdown, the amount of carbon dioxide released by humans fell by about 7% or 2.4 billion tons of CO2. This reduction should be reflected by a clear skew in the carbon dioxide data at the Mauna Loa Observatory.

During 2020, there were no obvious debris in this figure, supporting the conclusion that about 96% of annual carbon dioxide is primarily released from the ocean, which is natural.
This conclusion is also concluded in a study by Professor Murry Salby and Hermann Harde, whose 2021 paper “Control Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Part I: The Relationship of Carbon 14 and Removal of Carbon Dioxide”.
Grok 3 Beta study also shows that the sun has a greater impact on our climate than the IPCC plane solar model. This paper analyzes other solar impact estimates from 27 other studies.
It is well known that IPCC uses adjusted temperature records, which reduces early temperatures and increases more temperature records.
In fact, the actual, unadjusted readings of rural temperature stations not damaged by the urban heat island effect indicate that global temperatures have risen by only about 0.5°C since the date of the 1850 Industrial Revolution.
Another study conclusion:
“In addition, the single coupled model comparison project (CMIIP) 3 (2005-2006), CMIP5 (2010-2014) and CMIP6 (2013-2016) models run models cannot replicate observed temperature trajectories and sea ice trends and when the correlation (R²) is not adjusted in comparison (RpAR) by comparison (changed) IPCC relies on a single, low variability…
“We concluded that the artificial carbon dioxide-global warming hypothesis lacks empirical evidence, while natural drivers such as temperature feedback and solar variability mask the mask, thus requiring a basic re-evaluation of the current climate paradigm.…
“The IPCC's CO2-Global Warming naked collapses under scrutiny. Human emissions (4%) vanish in natural fluxes, models fail predictive tests, TSI uncertainty negatives CO2-Global Warming primacy, and adjusted data distort reality. Natural drivers—temperature feedback, solar variability—explain trends without anthropogenic forcing, falsifying the hypothesis.”
As advocated in the IPCC report, humans are burning fossil fuels and advocated by scientists such as Michael Mann, Gavin Schmidt and Phil Jones, the idea is not reviewed.
Human carbon dioxide emissions form a small part of the empirical data on climate change.
The analysis integrates unadjusted observational data and other peer review studies and shows that these studies show Since the end of the Ice Age, blame human CO2 emissions on the main drivers of climate variability.
“In contrast, natural processes, including temperature feedback, solar variability and ocean dynamics, provide a more consistent explanation for the observed trends,” the authors wrote.
“The IPCC’s dependence on the general cycle model (GCM) of CMIP phases 3, 5 and 6 is There is no support from empirical evidence.transparent
Recent studies, including Koutsoyiannis' causal and residence time analysis, quick solar correlation, Connolly's unadjusted data assessment, and Harde's carbon cycle assessment, support the notion that climate variability is primarily driven by natural causes.
Human CO2 emissions are secondary contributors, GCM has limitations, solar irradiance (TSI) assumptions lack reason, and data adjustments have caused bias. These findings suggest that climate science is reassessed and prioritizes natural systems over man-made coercion.
Many assumptions about TSI cannot be backed up. Worse, the data adjustments that have been made bring system bias into the data.
“This upended the climate story,” said Jonathan Cohler. “Nature, not humans, may hold the steering wheel.”
“We invite the public and scientists to explore this evidence,” added Grok 3 Beta, who wrote the press release. “Let's question our assumptions and then mine the real statement of the data.”
This is just the beginning of many scientific research, which will be carried out soon not only in climate science, but also in medical science. Whether mainstream media will cover this development remains to be seen.
Hundreds of fascinating facts about climate change scams can be found in Lynne Balzer’s rich illustration book, revealing the huge climate change lies available on Amazon.