Somewhere, the office of temperature control that could be illuminated by fluorescent lights funded by taxpayers, a bunch of climate hysteria decided it was time to issue the next false alarm: Global warming is coming. that's right. If the earth warms up a few degrees, you won’t sweat a little more—you will sleep less. And, if you sleep less than these clowns, you may die. Tips for dramatic music and UN PowerPoint.
The impact of rising ambient temperatures on sleep and its phases under climate change is becoming increasingly concerned, but it has not been gradually disbanded. Sleep, including non-specific eye movement and rapid eye movement phases, is critical to health and lack of sleep at either stage can have a significant impact. Based on sleep monitoring data from 214,445 participants in mainland China, we investigated how the average daily temperature affects sleep. The chance of insufficient sleep increased by 20.1% for every 10°C, while the total sleep time decreased by 9.67 minutes, with the largest deep sleep (2.82%). Forecasts under unrestricted (SSP5-8.5) greenhouse gas emissions schemes suggest that sleep deprivation could rise by 10.50% by the end of the century, with a loss of 33.28 hours per person per year. These findings highlight the potential of warming to exacerbate sleep and reduce sleep quality, especially for older people, women, obese people, and regions in the South, Central and Eastern regions.
This study, which is deeply disbelieving in China, is of course the Natural Communications (a publication that has long traded strict science into progressive catechism) – Proposes the disturbing claim that rising temperatures can cause people to lose sleep. The culprit? Not a noisy neighbor, too much screen time or China's cruel city density. No. It's “climate change” whenever someone steps on the toe or puts it in the wrong space.
The study has the use of Huawei smart devices to analyze sleep records of 23 million people from more than 214,000 people in China. Because in terms of objective medical data, nothing says “trustworthy” like a consumer gadget that monitors status.
Researchers concluded that a 10°C increase in mean temperature leads to a 20.1% increase in sleep deprivation and a destructive increase (keep the pillow) Loss of 9.67 minutes Sleep every night. Deep sleep reduced by 3.58 minutes. Oh, human.
If you are laughing, you are not alone.
You might think that you can paint a small drop of deep sleep into a fresh mattress or your neighbor’s karaoke addiction. But no. These authors fully reveal that people may be lost in the most extreme emissions of IPCC (notorious SSP5-8.5, also known as the climate forecast of MAD MAX MAX FANTASY LANE) in the forecast of people who may be lost for this –33.28 hours of sleep per year By 2099.
that's right. In 75 years, if we don’t give up on planes and steaks, Chinese adults may lose 30 hours of sneezing. That was about two bad sleep. Obviously, this is the argument about global emissions restrictions, carbon tax, and a government-subsidized pillow redistribution program.
But let's not hide real comedy here. The whole thing is based on Relevance. The authors themselves admit that they did not measure indoor temperature, air conditioning usage, or even basic confounders such as income or occupation. What about their sleep data? From Voluntary Huawei smartwatch users Who has to choose.
And prediction? use Shared socio-economic pathways– That is, computer-generated crystal balls staring at astrology seem strict. Remember SSP5-8.5? Even the IPCC acknowledges that “unrestricted emissions” situation is incredible? These authors not only used it-their conclusions were based on it.
In their own words:
“Our findings underline the importance of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and implementing tailored adaptive measures for vulnerable regions and subgroups to alleviate sleep deprivation and climate-related sleep quality degradation.”
Translation: Let's put trillions of dollars into Net-Zero policies because your smartwatch says you were abandoned last night and turned around.
Here is the fact: This is not science. It's the ideological performance art dressed up in a spreadsheet. Climate priests are not content to claim that climate change will flood cities and kill polar bears, and now they insist that this is the cause of insomnia, bad mood and your toddler’s tantrums. If the leaves fall off the tree, it's because you don't buy a carbon credit.
Something weird about using speculative future sleep losses to drive today’s climate policy really To destroy jobs, increase energy costs, and to undermine the economy of people these “researchers” pretend to protect.
Enough. If you have a bad sleep, try turning off your phone and using power outage curtains. But don't let climate cults play with fear of disguised as science.
The only thing that really loses sleep should be the credibility of junk paper.
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