Kip Hansen's guest paper – March 24, 2025 – 1900 words
Measles has had quite a lot of coverage in the media over the past few months. Most coverage involves a measles outbreak in Texas, Gaines, Terry and Dawson County, located in the South Plains, Texas, USA.

There is one of these three counties merge The population is about 46,000. Media reports say many Mennonite families in the area fail to get their children vaccinated.
What is measles?
“Measles is an acute, viral, infectious disease. [The measles virus is a paramyxovirus of the genus Morbillivirus.] Quotes for measles can be found as early as the 7th century. Persian physicians described the disease as “more fearful than smallpox” in the 10th century. transparent
“Before getting the vaccine, infection with measles virus was almost universal in childhood, and more than 90% of people were immune to past infections over the past 15 years. Measles remains a common and often fatal disease in developing countries. The World Health Organization estimates that 142,300 people died of measles worldwide in 2018. In the United States, there has been a recent outbreak. The biggest one is in 2019, mainly for those who have not been vaccinated. ”
[ CDC – Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases: The Pink Book, Chapter 13: Measles ]
Important things about measles:
Measles is one of the most contagious diseases.
There is no curative effect, and no actual treatment for measles infection:
“There are no specific antiviral therapies for measles. Medical care is supported and helps relieve symptoms and resolve complications such as bacterial infections.transparent [ CDC ]
These supportive treatment options are limited to:
rest: Patients are encouraged to rest and avoid strenuous activities.
Hydration: Make sure the patient drinks a lot of fluid to prevent dehydration.
Fever management: Use over-the-counter drugs such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen to reduce fever.
Vitamin Supplement: Patients, especially those who lack vitamins, may be given two doses of vitamin A supplements.
antibiotic: Antibiotics may be prescribed if the patient develops bacterial complications, such as pneumonia or ear infection.
Hospitalization: In severe cases, hospitalization may be required, including oxygen therapy and intravenous injections.
And cod liver oil? As mentioned above,
“Vitamin A may be directed against infants and children in the United States under the supervision of a healthcare provider as part of support management. Children with severe measles, such as hospitalized patients, should be managed with vitamin A under the supervision of a physician.”
this World Health Organization explain:”Children aged <5 years and those living in overcrowded conditions, with increased risk of severe or fatal measles Especially vitamin A deficiency…transparent …”Vitamin A should be administered to all acute cases regardless of the time of the previous dose of vitamin A. Oral dose of vitamin AA should be given immediately at diagnosis Repeat the next day…”
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the current U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services. One teaspoon of cod liver oil contains about 13,200 IU of vitamin A – about 1/4Th The CDC recommended initial dose is performed on the second day. The little RFK little one was insulted and beaten in the mass media, which is beneficial and medically correct advice for parents, and points out that malnutritional children are at greater risk. [Note that not one of the media reports that I have read in preparing this essay, well over 50 items, have mentioned the CDC or WHO recommendations on Vitamin A and its relation to Cod Liver Oil. ]
Where does measles come from?
Measles is prevalent in human populations. This means it can find humans everywhere unless it is eliminated through exposure and vaccination. Vaccination creates pockets that are as measles-free as the United States. Humans are reservoirs For measles virus (Pato virus of paralyzing virus), it is not found in any other animal.
“Measles Epidemiology
Reservoir: Human
- People and people passing through large breathing droplets
- Airdrop in closed areas up to 2 hours” [ CDC Pink Book ]
In recent years, measles outbreaks in the United States have been reported in 2000 by people arriving from abroad, or traveling abroad, after decades of large-scale immunization campaigns. Now, outbreaks happen most often “Insufficient close-connected community” And it can be traced back to some infected people entering the community from abroad. ((Although the origin of the first case has not been determined, this is the case with the current Texas outbreak.

The diagram has the correct vertical scales showing the true status of measles in the United States (in the 1940s). By 1969, measles had been eliminated as a major childhood disease. There are still occasional outbreaks, but no major outbreaks have occurred since 1992. That scaleIn any case – but from a public health standpoint, there are still “severe” outbreaks.

The above are the total measles cases, and the previous figure is “per 100,000 population”. The high points in this figure are only shown as small spots around 1990 in the previous figure. The current Texas outbreak is shown in the rightmost “2025”.
In today's United States, measles cannot be widely spread or prevalent. Most adult populations are immune, either unavailable from previous infections (usually during vaccination, like myself) or vaccinated as a kid. Measles can only be spread in rare subpopulations, which contain many non-immune people, and then only those who are not immune.
Babies under six months old (too young to get vaccinated) are at risk everywhere – this is one of the reasons why international travel is discouraged until older, and measles and other diseases can be administered in the rest of the world.
Adults may lose some immunity as they age – rather than Everyone 100% protected by vaccination or previous disease. Adults who have reinfected measles, or who have been infected after children get vaccinated, usually have mild cases if they are healthy.
“Another group of potentially dangerous groups were adults who were immunized in 1963 (the first measles vaccine was approved) and in 1967. During this period, some children received (killed) measles vaccines less efficient than live broadcasts. [ source ]
However, measles is Serious dangers to pregnant women – ”Measles in unvaccinated pregnant women increase the risk of miscarriage and premature labor [and] Low birth weight” But it is not a birth defect. [ source ]
If in doubt, it is recommended to re-vaccinate in order to get pregnant, as well as older people who fall within the 1963-1967 vaccine timeframe. (This would include me if my father was not a pediatrician).
So why hesitate about vaccination?
First of all:

[ link to full sized image ]
The infographic was made by vaccine advocates, and the data is correct – but it is still misleading (and hard to see – click on the full-size image link to view it in a new tab/window). In the United States, it has been more than 3 years since there were 10,000 cases of measles… Active measles Therefore, there are actually few serious side effects in each year.
However, 3.3 million children entered kindergarten in 2023. Therefore, statistically, about 990 children may have experienced “fever-related seizures” associated with MMR vaccination (3 out of 10,000); 12 children experienced allergic reactions and approximately the same abnormal blood clotting. Therefore, one of the possibilities for your child to have an adverse reaction is Very small – But for some parents, it's still scary.
MMR vaccination may cause the condition now classified as Autism spectrum disorder It is widely believed to be dismissed – but recently announced: “Although many existing studies have shown no link, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will look at whether the vaccine causes autism. ” [ ABC News ]
How protected are our children today?
Here is the latest state percentage of fully vaccinated children entering kindergarten (all vaccinations were received, including 2 MMR vaccinations):

Of the 50 states, light blue states are considered “complete vaccination” in public health. A total of about 92.7% of children enter kindergarten in 2024. Nabi Public health ideal 95%.
As of March 21, 2025, there were 378 cases of measles in the United States, with 75% of children. 52 children need hospitalization (currently recommended all Severe cases of measles). A school-age child who was not vaccinated died of measles.
Bottom line:
1. Measles is a severe and highly contagious disease, although not at great risk in developed countries with good health and adequate nutrition.
2. have Incurable and No real treatment For measles – Support is only recommended for patients: rest, hydration, fever control and vitamin A supplement. Antibiotics can be given to treat bacterial complications.
3. Measles outbreaks in the United States are rare, limited, and occur in unvaccinated and low-vaccinated groups. The initial infection originated outside the United States and arrived with immigrants or travelers.
4. Vaccination, two doses of MMR or MMRV vaccines can provide 97% immunity. From a public health perspective, it is not enough for individuals.
5. Vaccination of measles is obviously safe and effective. that is, there is nothing yes Perfect Safe.
Author's comments:
My father was a leading pediatrician in Los Angeles County, California for forty years between 1950 and 1990. He vaccinated the baby boomers thousands of times and then vaccinated their children. Since 1977, when my wife and I were facing vaccination questions for our children, we asked the doctor (everyone called my dad). He suggested that we avoid the current MMR vaccine at that time, and instead choose the monoantigen measles vaccine, with the other two vaccines separated. He believes that thenhe felt that the measles ingredients in MMR were “quite rough and a little harsh”. All four of my children received a monoantigen measles vaccine, although it is sometimes difficult and does not meet current standards of care. Currently, there is no single dose of measles vaccine in the United States – simply because it makes tracking and calculating vaccination status even more complicated for public health officials and agencies (yes, really).
Preventing disease through vaccination has been one of the greatest health advances in human medical history, and it remains the case.
Thank you for reading.
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