In the vast state of Texas, solar and wind farms are creating a lot of clean energy – Community and landowners and billions of dollars.
In a recent study, Joshua Rhodes of the University of Texas analyzed local tax revenues generated by existing solar, wind and battery storage projects in the state.
He found that over the lifetime of these projects, they would pay more than $12 billion in taxes to their communities—some of whom would not get much income from other industries, such as oil and gas or manufacturing.
Rhodes: “Then that money stays locally and provides funding for roads, schools and hospital areas that residents need, and other types of local services.”
On top of that, landowners of these clean energy projects’ rental properties are expected to pay about $15 billion over the years.
Rhodes: “It can have a big impact on ranchers or landowners getting that income. … Many landowners talk about wind and solar energy like drought-resistant crops. You can get paid without raining.”
There is more money in the pipeline. The study found that new projects that will be online in the coming years will bring tens of billions of dollars to Texas and landowners.
Report Credit: Sarah Kennedy/Chavobart Digital Media