NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) – Another period of hot and humid weather is expected along the northern Gulf Coast, with temperatures expected to reach 94 to 98 degrees today and Wednesday.
Rain chances are low, but isolated or scattered storms are possible, especially along the Louisiana and Mississippi coasts. These storms are more likely to occur in the afternoon due to local factors such as sea breezes. If a storm occurs, it may bring brief periods of heavy rain, frequent lightning and gusty winds.
A heat warning is in effect today, with the heat index or “feeling” temperature expected to reach 108 degrees. Some areas may briefly reach severe heat warning criteria, with apparent temperatures reaching 113 degrees, but these conditions are expected to be isolated.
Forecasts show similar conditions on Wednesday, with another heat warning likely to be issued. As the week progresses, high pressure will move westward, potentially bringing more favorable conditions for weekend thunderstorms. Humidity is expected to increase by Sunday, leading to a greater chance of rain and thunderstorms.
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