Democrats are touting the infrastructure bill passed by Congress in 2021 as the signature achievement of the Biden-Harris administration, but nearly three years after President Joe Biden signed it into law, some of its ambitious projects are far behind. Lower than expected. [emphasis, links added]
Massive plans to expand rural broadband access have so far failed to connect all households online. The push to electrify school buses has proven costly and ineffective.
A multibillion-dollar effort to build thousands of electric vehicle charging stations across the country has so far resulted in only a handful of them being built.
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act contains $1.2 trillion in spending, which the White House calls “a once-in-a-lifetime investment in our nation's infrastructure and competitiveness.”
But critics say the progressive goals of the Biden-Harris administration stand in the way of the law's sweeping update of the nation's infrastructure.
“I'm very skeptical that it will actually lead to that,” said David Ditch, senior policy analyst at the Heritage Foundation. washington examiner. “It performed well below even my low expectations, and there are a lot of reasons for that.”
“No. The first one is that the Biden administration is absolutely determined to apply as many different left-wing directives as possible,” Dickey added.
From “environmental justice” to the contractor's fair requirements, Many of the plans created by the Infrastructure Bill have progressive provisions for how they will be implemented.
turn out Progress has been slow despite huge sums of money being spent, and some efforts over the past three years have produced little success.
“Proof of the complete failure of these plans is No recipient or recipient has ever been [Kamala] harris advertising or stage“, Power the Future executive director Daniel Turner told the media washington examiner.
“If you benefited from an infrastructure bill or an inflation-cutting bill, you would be front and center saying, 'Ms. Vice President, thank you for this plan.'”
Instead, infrastructure bills have rarely figured in Harris' campaign rhetoric as she has tried to distance herself from Biden.
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