from NoTricksZone
Welcome to Germany’s green economic miracle. This year is 2025!
Germany's so-called energy transition (The transition to renewable energy) has had one unmistakable result: Germany now finds itself rapidly approaching the edge of a Third World country, where electricity supplies are no longer reliable and power rationing is increasingly a daily occurrence.
What is happening is the opposite of what know-it-all climate wise men once promised: “Green energy will deliver a clean, prosperous country that will be the envy of the world.
So much for their fantasies.
As Germany's leading daily Bild reported yesterday, the reality is: Germans in southern Germany are now being told that their laundry and electric car charging can only be done at certain times!
According to a report on the Bild website yesterday: “People in Baden-Württemberg should use as little electricity as possible between 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. on Friday. The transmission capacity of the transmission lines from northern Germany to the southwest is exceeded. use.
Consumers are asked to avoid all energy-intensive appliances.
Grid operator TransnetBW yesterday issued a red alert for energy supplies
Recall that Germany's green energy planners decided it would be best to decommission the country's nuclear power plants and produce weather-dependent electricity from wind farms operating in the country's north, which would then be supplied to southern Germany via transmission lines. There's something wrong with the green planners' master plan: the wind doesn't blow all the time, so shortages result and rationing becomes necessary!
To avoid overloading the grid, according to StromgGedacht of Stuttgart grid operator TransnetBW: “If this can be avoided, electric vehicles or batteries (laptops, etc.) should also not be charged between 8 a.m. and 11 a.m.”
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