To generate ideas for living more easily on Earth, consuming fewer resources, and reducing our impact on climate change, we sometimes look to nature for lessons. Find an elegant form or process, such as the way a leaf collects water, carbon, and sunlight to create food, energy, and oxygen, that we can simply imitate. This is called biomimicry, and while the results sometimes seem to be primarily about aesthetics, they can also lead to practical improvements in sustainability. Or, in stark contrast, we might invest resources in designing and manufacturing high-tech analogues, often hoping to move beyond imitation and improve upon nature, creating artificial leaves that are more effective than natural leaves. The articles here illustrate a variety of such efforts.
How nature does the job
Biomimicry in Design and Architecture
A small-scale but interesting mix of living materials and high technology
All from Anthropocene magazine, where stories like this are a regular feature:
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