Alarmist claims that human carbon dioxide emissions and “climate change” have been and will continue to drive Earth's sixth mass extinction event are not supported by evidence. [emphasis, links added]
Twenty years ago, it was claimed that climate change (global warming) would cause the extinction of 1 million species by 2050.
This assumes that human-caused warming is so rapid and unprecedented that species cannot adapt quickly enough.
It is odd to believe that an ecosystem can withstand seasonal temperature fluctuations of ±15°C from summer to winter or over six months, but cannot withstand changes of 0.005°C per year since 1860.
New study shows megafauna went extinct over the past 50,000 years – The extinction of mammoths, giant sloths, and giant armadillos, as well as Arctic horses, rhinos, bison, and camels– The main reason this happens is due to human occupation and plunder of areas we have never been to before.
Climate change over the past tens of thousands of years (e.g. The Northern Hemisphere will warm by 4-5°C in a few decades 14,700 years ago, or Greenland has experienced 24 sudden warming events of 10-15°C over a period of decades or less) had negligible or even non-existent impact on megafauna extinction.
“Thus, global analyzes strongly support human causation and even suggest little interaction with climate change, either in the severity or timing of extinctions and declines.”
Claims of mass extinction may be alarmist from climate change Going the way of the dodo, as they say.
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