Derek Hawley
There is an undercurrent of fear and uncertainty in the current information surrounding artificial intelligence, but if we focus on improving the human experience, we can reshape the narrative in the media and in the public mind. Artificial intelligence has the potential to significantly improve our lives in many industries, including healthcare, public safety, transportation, retail, education, sports and entertainment. Artificial intelligence will play an important role, allowing us to collect, process and analyze large amounts of data faster than ever before.
Many experts agree that the continued development of energy and artificial intelligence is critical to U.S. national security. To compete with our allies and adversaries, we must advocate and call on Congress and policymakers to take immediate action to enact legislation that supports U.S. technology and innovation across the AI spectrum. This should also include reducing regulations prohibiting new onshore and offshore energy production.
Tailored, targeted messaging is needed to communicate the benefits and drawbacks of emerging AI technologies to the public and elected officials. The message needs to zero in on how American life will be greatly improved if artificial intelligence is used responsibly. By achieving scientific breakthroughs in areas such as medicine, air traffic safety, urban traffic flow, and pioneering safe, autonomous vehicle policies, we have the potential to make our lives easier and more convenient.
We must also recognize that the terawatts (TW) of energy required to digest, process and analyze the data required for artificial intelligence consumes a lot of energy. That includes data centers like Meta, which recently revealed their plans to open another hyperscale data center in Cheyenne, Wyoming. This particular center requires enough energy to power more than 770,000 homes—more than the number of homes in Philadelphia.
The massive power loads required by Meta and other online data centers such as Google, Amazon, and other U.S. tech giants will require all of the above energy methods, including renewables, nuclear, and fossil fuels. We must continue to work with legislators to advocate for smart energy policies that allow us to develop the necessary energy we need while protecting the environment.
In the new administration and agenda, lawmakers will need to set aside differences related to artificial intelligence and emerging technologies to make U.S. energy independence a priority, with the ultimate goal of achieving energy security. This is critical to allowing the United States to lead in artificial intelligence innovation without being disrupted by global crises such as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine or any other political unrest. As artificial intelligence is driven by the amount of energy required for data centers, we cannot be beholden to any other country for our energy sources or the whims of OPEC. In 2019, the United States became the world's largest exporter of oil and natural gas, surpassing Saudi Arabia and Russia in these areas. Likewise, we need to ensure that we are better than our adversaries in leveraging and expanding the development of American artificial intelligence technologies.
We can expect artificial intelligence to eliminate the need for young Americans to attend college and become victims of student loan-related debt. Many people will now be able to take advantage of the jobs and opportunities related to the development of artificial intelligence. This will include careers in energy, manufacturing, public safety, and industrial trades—all of which are essential as we build these large data centers.
We must allay fears and use this opportunity to start a positive discussion about how artificial intelligence can increase jobs, support innovation and improve lives in the wider community.
Derrick Hollie is the founder of the Energy Poverty Prevention Project. The organization was founded to raise awareness about energy poverty and work to change energy regulations that fail to provide American citizens with the affordable and reliable energy they need to maintain personal health and economic security.
This article was originally published by RealClearEnergy and provided via RealClearWire.
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