Author: cne4h

This year, visitors to San Francisco can travel between two popular seaside destinations on a free ferry powered by hydrogen. The ship is equipped with fuel cells. They convert hydrogen and oxygen into electricity (to power the ship) and water that passengers can drink. Murphy: “It was fun to see them lining up in front of the fountain to experience it themselves.” Seamus Murphy of the San Francisco Bay Ferry System said most ferries in the United States are powered by climate-polluting diesel. Battery-electric ferries offer a cleaner option — his agency has committed to buying five. Murphy: “But when…

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not many people know Paul Homewood . For the BBC, the good news about India's monsoon appears to have disappeared into a black hole. A Google search turns up no BBC reports, at least on the home page. When searching for India, there was nothing at all on the BBC News website: . However, a report did emerge two years ago: As is the case with BBC climate reporting, the opposite is true. Rather than drying up, India's monsoons have become wetter since the 1960s: Like this:like loading… Relevant Source link

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Tim Benson The American Legislative Exchange Council’s (ALEC) draft model legislation, which describes itself as a “common-sense energy agenda for the future,” has become official model policy. The Affordable, Reliable, and Clean Energy Security Act (Energy Security-ARC) states: “Energy security is critical to economic growth. Affordable, reliable, and clean energy security brings prosperity to our families and communities . The bill was drafted by ALEC's Energy, Environment and Agriculture Working Group. According to ALEC, draft model policies such as Energy Security-ARC submitted by members “are discussed, debated and voted on by members of ALEC working groups.” Policies that receive final…

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Guest post by Larry Hamlin NOAA U.S. Continuous Summer (June-August) Measured minimum and maximum temperature trends Period 1895 to 2024 (shown below, from NOAA’s Climate at a Glance Times series) Compared with the calculated average temperature trend results, a clear and obvious different temperature trend with increasing growth is shown. The minimum temperature trend results after 1985 increased significantly faster than the maximum measured temperature trend results.. U.S. population Data shows that the number increased by about 100 million from 1980 to 2023. Since the average temperature is not a measured value but the calculated mathematical average of the minimum…

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Posted by Meteorologist Kerry Anderson on Wed, Oct 2 at 11:30:00pm – Next scheduled update: 7:00pmPost special updates as needed. The temperature was rising rapidly as we sat under a massive ridge. Central California: Offshore north-northeast currents clear marine clouds. The beach begins to reverse course and overcome the rip current. Arroyo now has teenage high school potential. Lopez and Isabella are both feeling increased northerly flow, but will likely see those winds bend, bringing with them a period of strong winds.Southern California: As expected there was still a lot of fog and small eddies on the beach at lunch…

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A Boston-area nonprofit is taking in dozens of dogs and cats from Tennessee, Florida and North Carolina following the devastation caused by Hurricane Helene.The Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (MSPCA-Angell) also sent staff to shelters in the hardest-hit areas.”Given all the issues they are dealing with, we want to help in any way possible,” MSPCA-Angell Vice President of Animal Care Mike Keiley said in a news release.According to Keiley, MSPCA-Angell is finalizing plans to transport up to 80 dogs and cats from Brother Wolf Animal Rescue in Asheville, North Carolina.”Brother Wolf's facility and all of their…

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Hurricane Helen made landfall on Friday, September 27th A Category 4 storm in Florida then moved inland, bringing heavy rainfall and subsequent flooding. Predictably, many media outlets immediately rushed to blame this particular storm and its devastation on climate change. These statements are all wrong. Data show that hurricane activity over the past 50 years has shown no climate signal of worsening intensity or more frequent hurricanes. Additionally, historical records show that flooding similar to what occurred during this storm has occurred in the same area before. This is the second time this week climate realism This particular storm is…

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The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has lax information requirements for recipients of the Biden-Harris administration’s home energy rebates, leaving the program open to fraud and abuse, a report released Monday said. [emphasis, links added] President Biden's Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 allocates about $4.3 billion for states to implement rebate programs to encourage consumers to buy appliances. Now, a report from the Department of Energy’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) finds that the department’s Office of State and Community Energy Programs (SCEP) is responsible for distributing grants to U.S. states and territories Failure to require states to independently confirm…

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The death toll from Hurricane Helene in the southeastern United States reached 180 on Wednesday morning, October 2, according to CNN tracking. One of the three deadliest hurricanes. The only hurricanes during this period that claimed more lives than Helena were Katrina (2005) and Maria (2017). Furthermore, the only hurricane more deadly than Helene in the past 60 years was Camille (1969)—a storm similar to Helene that caused most of the 259 deaths in the U.S. Caused by flash flooding in the Appalachian Mountains (Virginia). Figure 1. The highest total U.S. hurricane death toll since the National Hurricane Center began…

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Posted by Meteorologist Kerry Anderson on Wed Oct 2 08:00:00 – Next scheduled update: 11:30amPost special updates as needed. We had another hot day due to a huge ridge above the area. The northerly flow weakened overnight, allowing for moderate sea breezes from Creese to Treasure Island. These may continue to increase this morning, but are expected to move up and down. We may not see sustained winds until late afternoon. The low retreated far enough inland that we saw some mild northwesterly winds along the coast, but they seemed to stay below 10 knots. We expect to see temperatures…

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