Author: cne4h

The U.S. Department of the Interior said it will hold an oil and gas auction covering 400,000 acres in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) on January 9, just weeks before President-elect Trump takes office. [emphasis, links added] On Monday, the Interior Ministry issued a record of decision and notice of lease sale, allowing the auction to be held before the end of the year. The department will auction 400,000 of the 1.6 million acres of available land, the minimum required under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. In 2017, Congress directed the department to hold two regional…

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South Korean companies are reconsidering investments in building electric vehicle (EV) battery plants in the United States, according to Bloomberg. [emphasis, links added] According to Bloomberg, some South Korean companies have slowed or halted the construction of some U.S. battery factories due to concerns about slowing demand for electric vehicles and President-elect Donald Trump's upcoming return to the White House. Trump's proposed tax credit cuts would benefit electric vehicle manufacturers, leading some South Korean companies to reconsider their $54 billion U.S. investment plans. According to Bloomberg, the price of lithium, the main mineral used in electric vehicle batteries, has fallen…

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motto of our determination “Walk towards the fire. Don't worry about what they call you.” – Andrew Breitbart | Read More Follow WUWT via email Join 19,600 other subscribers Copyright statement The material on this website is Copyright © 2006-2024 by Anthony Watts and may not be stored or archived separately, retransmitted, or republished without written permission. For permission, please contact us. See the “About” > “Contact” menu under the title. All rights reserved worldwide. Certain materials provided by contributors may contain additional copyrights from their respective companies or organizations. Source link

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Some high school students spend their summers working as lifeguards or bagging groceries. But in the town of Thornton, Illinois, some students are getting paid to learn the skills they need to work in energy efficiency over the summer. Johnson: “If college is not their next step, they can be hired by any energy efficiency weatherization company or company right out of high school.” Darnell Johnson helped develop the Green Generation. It's a three-summer program that primarily targets Black and brown communities, who he said are less likely to have access to clean energy and energy efficiency. Through the program,…

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From the Daily Skeptic Author: David Telfer Last week I stumbled upon a government repository I had never heard of before, the Subsidy Controls Transparency Repository. The database was mentioned in an update email from DESNZ, telling me that the results for Allocation CFD Round 6 (AR6) had been loaded into the database. Of course, my curiosity got the better of me and I had to dig deeper to see what other net-zero and energy-related subsidies might be lurking there. in the video whiskey galorethe SS Cabinet Minister ran aground and its load of whiskey was harvested by the locals.…

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China is building coal-fired power plants at an alarming rate, adding two new coal-fired power plants every week! Ronald Stein, PE He is an engineer, energy literacy columnist for America Out Loud NEWS, energy literacy consultant for the Heartland Institute and CFACT, and co-author of the Pulitzer Prize-nominated book “Clean Energy Development.” . George Harris Executive Director of the Montana Coal Commission beginning September 2022. He served as executive budget director for the Montana Governor’s Budget Office. He has served as a national risk manager and served as president of the National Risk Managers Association. co-creator Ronald, and George Harris…

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The Voice of America claimed in the article “Big Polluters and Small Island Countries Conflict on Climate Change” that climate change threatens the survival of Pacific island countries due to rising sea levels, and other countries should compensate them. , such as the United States. This statement is wrong and lacks any scientific basis. Data refutes any claims by island nations that they are losing land to rising sea levels Voice of America stated: Nearly 100 countries and more than a dozen intergovernmental organizations will give evidence in the two-week legal process, which begins on Monday and ends on December…

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from masterresource Author: Robert Bradley Jr. “Climate exaggeration and extremism are both unpopular, and the public will lash out at any social disruption by the Climate Church.” Michael Mezzatesta, a self-described “economic and climate educator… who shares ideas for a better future,” urged the fragmented and failing climate movement to regroup and up the ante. “The silver lining of this election outcome is that America's progressive resistance is about to get a major boost,” he posted on social media. “I predict that this is going to be a big four years for progressive organizing and the labor movement, and it’s…

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Bottom line: Moderate to possibly weak upper teens concentrated La Ventana IF clouds cleared early. Today’s recipe: 1. Bully Boy, high pressure is getting ready to move into the Great Basin and create some wild Baja winds on Tuesday, but to no avail today. 2. A tiny North Pacific High School vacations near the canyon, so there is zero help there. 3. There is a weak low pressure area south of Cabo that may produce winds in the low teens. 4. Our best hope is coastal valley heating and hot air in the low teens combined with #3. 5. But…

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The continental United States still recorded its warmest fall in 130 years, although the extremely dry and hot fall eased slightly in November, NOAA reported Monday. The United States also experienced its hottest January-November period on record, making 2024 likely to be the hottest year in U.S. history. Last month was the sixth warmest November in the United States since 1895, behind only the second-warmest September and the second-warmest October. The average temperature for the three months combined, or fall weather, was 57.62 degrees Fahrenheit, just 0.04 degrees higher than the previous record holder in the fall of 2016 (see…

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