Graves County, Ky. — If you are driving in cold weather, please drive safely. According to the Federal Highway Administration, approximately 76,000 people are injured in vehicle crashes each year during snow or sleet.
An accident occurred near the 4000 block of Symsonia KY 534 around 10pm last night. Graves County deputies and Symsonia firefighters responded and helped extricate Hailee Jones, 30, of Symsonia from the partially submerged vehicle.
Jones was taken to Mercy Health Paducah Hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. She was not speeding; She's actually slowing down. She approached a bend in the road and, slowing down, began to slide straight ahead.

Her car hit an embankment and ended up on its roof and was partially submerged in water.
The Graves County Sheriff's Office says if you do have to leave, use caution.
Despite the bad conditions, people still have to reach their destination.

“Well, a lot of people take it for granted when they drive. You know the condition of the road, so they just drive like normal and they think their vehicle, tires and conditions are going to be the same, but they're not,” Li said. Chad Edwards said.
Sergeant Richard Edwards of the Graves County Sheriff's Office said the roads actually got worse the day after it snowed.
“I went to a wreck last night and a semi went off the road. Yesterday, they were dealing with a lot of wrecks. You know, we were so overwhelmed that for the minor collision we had, we were ruled a personal accident. “Report,” Edwards said.

However, there are some things you can do to stay safe: slow down, check the weather, and give yourself more time to get to your destination.
If you start skating on the ice, Edwards has some advice. “So one of the tricks I learned then was to put it in neutral. Don't let the transmission push you forward; you'd be surprised how much it slows you down,” he said.
Braking quickly can make the situation worse, Edwards said, and not everyone should be driving right now.
“Teenagers, new drivers, people like that who haven't been in a storm since they got their licenses. They don't know how to drive, so those are the people you want to warn,” Edwards said.
You should also make sure your windshield is clean before hitting the road. Carrying snow equipment such as ice scrapers and brushes can help with this.